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"I should have been making sure of her! The veriest yokel would have known that he was completely desperately in love with her, but I, like the spineless mollusk that I am, must needs wait a little longer 'to be sure of myself'!"

"No man will really give up a woman who is really worth while, that is, of course, admitting that your man, Courtlandt, is a man. Perhaps, though, it was his fault. He was not persistent enough, maybe a bit spineless. The fact that he gave up so quickly possibly convinced her that her impressions were correct.

John was a spineless man, unworthy son of a great father, content to idle away his life in ease and quiet. And it was in the court of Spain that Brian O'Neill had been born, with only an old Irishwoman to nurse him and teach him the tongue and tidings of Ireland which his father cared nothing for.

She left home again at twelve-thirty, taking with her a replenished purse, and a stock of tremluous emotions. One was of dreadful solitude, a fear of loneliness, spineless and enervating; another of defiance; another of excitement; another of bravado; another almost of shame. What should she, an old married woman with a family of three, want with a purposeless jaunt to town?

What efforts had to be made to overcome the not inconsiderable opposition of the Military Party who were opposed to any departure from a policy of passive neutrality need not now be set down; but it is sufficient to state that the decision arrived at was in every sense a victory of the younger intellectual forces over the older mandarinate, whose traditions of laissez faire and spineless diplomacy had hitherto cost the country so dear.

THE LACKADAISICAL: The last and largest class of incurable cases of stammering are those who will not make the effort to be cured. These are the spineless, the unsure, the cowards, who are afraid to try anything for fear it will not be successful. They are usually afflicted with a malady worse than stammering or stuttering "indecision" a malady for which science has found no remedy.

What sort of a miserable, spineless, cowardly, caddish travesty of a man do you take me for, to think I would let you go alone?" "Please don't joke," she urged. "It simply isn't possible. You would get into trouble with the French Government, and " "Do you know," I grinned, "it is rather exhilarating to snap one's fingers at governments?

He mooned about the links by himself, playing a shocking game, and generally comported himself like a man who has looked for the escape of gas with a lighted candle. In affairs of love the strongest men generally behave with the most spineless lack of resolution.

As he stared pop-eyed at the furious face above him, the fat chin of the little man drooped. "My God, Mac, don't do that!" he whined. Macdonald wheeled abruptly away, crossed the room in long strides, and came back. He had a grip on himself again. "What's the use?" he said aloud. "You're nothing but a spineless putterer. Haven't you enough sense even to give me a chance to decide for myself?

The only sort of women that men will spontaneously boost into public life are pretty, bright, womanly, spineless creatures who may be trusted to set the cause of woman back a few years at least, and gratify their own sense of humorous superiority.