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On a part of Flagstaff Hill there was a thin stratum of calcareous earth, in which shells are found. My hip was so painful that I could not climb to the point where these were, but an artillery soldier ascended and brought down some, and of these I had several specimens given me; they are found associated with bones which are apparently those of birds.

The American annuals do not profess to be the works of the most finished or most accomplished writers of this country. They should not be taken as specimens of what our literature is, but as indications of what it may one day be.

For example, the grand ornithological gallery at the British Museum contains between two and three thousand species of birds, and sometimes five or six specimens of a species. They are very pretty to look at, and some of the cases are, indeed, splendid; but undertake to say, that no man but a professed ornithologist has ever gathered much information from the collection.

His eyes seemed to show some glimmer of intelligence when he slowly crawled up into the wagon. Their course was directed toward the forest to the west, and the trip there, which occupied nearly two hours, was a constant source of pleasure to all. On the way the animals were stopped at intervals to allow the Professor and George to collect specimens of plants and to seek for ores.

In a few days I go to lake Huron, and may have something to say of that region and people. From what I already see, I should say the young native population of Canada was growing up, forming a hardy, democratic, intelligent, radically sound, and just as American, good-natured and individualistic race, as the average range of best specimens among us.

We were cutting through scrub nearly all day, and crossed several small creeks running westward. This day the horse carrying my specimens had become so poor and weak that he fell five different times, and we were obliged to relieve him of his load, which was now placed on one of Mr. Kennedy's horses; but we soon found that even without a load he could not travel.

At the end of it was a crossbar big enough to get a good grip upon; and this, and the chain itself, were wrought of the bright, hard metal of which we had encountered so many specimens.

Here are a few specimens, taken almost at random; it will be seen that they convey much shrewd good sense, and occasionally have the true ring of humanity as well as the flavour of Stoic sapientia. I quote from the excellent edition by Mr. Bickford-Smith. Avarus ipse miseriae causa est suae. Audendo virtus crescit, tardando timor. Cicatrix conscientiae pro vulnere est.

"Great Scott!" ejaculated Parkinson, running his eye over the returns. "You seem to have a mine there, all right!" "Sure thing! You'll think so when you see it," Whitcomb answered, fumbling in a grip at his feet. At sight of the specimens of ore which he produced a moment later, his two companions became nearly as enthusiastic as himself.

Of recent years the Bull-terrier has not been a great favourite, and it has sadly deteriorated in type; but there are signs that the variety is again coming into repute, and within the past two years many admirable specimens as nearly perfect, perhaps, as many that won honour in former generations have been brought into prominence. Among dogs, for example, there are Mr.