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Last year they had a skirmish, and the Touaricks killed about eighty of the Shâanbah. These latter are going to avenge their defeat; they will attack the open districts, and then proceed to Ghat. The Shâanbah inhabit a desert of sand in the neighbourhood of Warklah ‮وارقلة‬ about fifteen days from Ghadames, and four from Souf.

Then a low, tuneless crooning: "Wen yo' see a pig a-goin' along Widder straw in de sider 'is mouf, It'll be er tuhble wintuh, En yo' bettah move down Souf." "Why, the Boy's back!" said the Colonel suddenly in a clear, collected voice.

These two Sheikhs are objects of most religious veneration amongst all true believers, and there is nothing which would not be done at their bidding. Nefta, the Negeta of the ancients, is the frontier town of the Tunisian territories from the south, being five days' journey, or about thirty-five or forty leagues from the oases of Souf, and fifteen days' from Ghadumes.

When he get home, he try an' try to brush that soot off, but it done get into the skin an' it stay there. An' from that day his haid an' neck stay black, an' he never speak lessen he spoken to, an' then he only grunt. His chillen jes' like him, an' his chillen's chillen the same way. An' that is the reason that mah cousin who lives down souf done have a black haid," concluded Ol' Mistah Buzzard.

"All that may be true," said Iola, "but there are some things a white man can do that we cannot afford to do." "I beliebs eberybody, Norf and Souf, is lookin' at us; an' some ob dem ain't got no good blood fer us, nohow you fix it," said Salters. "I specs cullud folks mus' hab done somethin'," interposed Aunt Linda. "O, nonsense," said Robert.

The Arabs of Souf always bring money here, and, besides dollars, a quantity of five-franc pieces, since the French have occupied Algeria. The millions spent or wasted by the French in Algeria are variously disposed of: 1st. The Arabs get a fifth, who bury their money, or send it into the neighbouring deserts of Tunis and Morocco. 2nd. The Maltese ship off a ninth of the money to Malta.

Was much surprised when Rais told me this evening, after five or six days, he would send a soldier to sleep as a guard in my house. He explained he had received authentic intelligence from Souf, of the Shânbah banditti being on the march, five hundred strong, proceeding in the direction of Ghat and Ghadames, and he expected them near this in the course of ten days.

Caravans from Soudan, including all the large cities, but especially from Kanou, from Bornou, from the Tibboo country, from Touat, from Fezzan, from Souf, from Ghadames, and from Tripoli, Tunis, and the North coast, visited the Ghat Souk of this winter.

Why, sah, dey is twice as scornful ob a black man as de gentleman is in de Souf. I list in de army, sah, because dey say dey go to Richmond, and den I find Dinah and de boy." "Well, Tony, I little thought when I did you a service that it would be the means of you being able to save my life some day." "Not much in dat, sah. You sabe my life, because dey would, for suah, hab caught me and killed me.

"I'm sure obliged to you child'en for as'in' me into this yere house," he said, grinning at Margy and Mun Bun. "Dis is sure just as fine folks as we have down Souf. Dey done fed de hongry an' clothed de naked. An' mighty good clo'es, too."