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Snuggers had wanted to have his picture taken for some time, to send to a certain girl in Cedarville in whom he was much interested. To have a photograph taken for nothing tickled him greatly. "Wait till I brush up a bit," he said, and got out a pocket comb, with which he adjusted his hair and his stubby mustache. "Now stand straight and look happy!" cried Sam as a crowd collected around.

They felt that if the approaching personage should be Jasper Grinder there would certainly be "a warm time of it," to say the least. Yet the approaching man was not the teacher, but Peleg Snuggers, the man of all work around the Hall, a good-natured individual, well liked by nearly all the students.

In the midst of the excitement George Strong came in. "Boys! boys! Be quiet!" cried the teacher. "What is the meaning of so much noise?" And then he, too, caught sight of the dangling teeth. "Who placed those there?" he asked. There was no reply, and he was on the point of sending a cadet for a step-ladder when the door opened and in came Peleg Snuggers with the very thing wanted. "Mr.

"Look for them among the students, and if you find them bring them to me at once." "I will, sir." As soon as Peleg Snuggers had departed Jasper Grinder looked around the storeroom and the stone cell to learn if he could find any trace of the boys. This gave Tom the chance to slip through the captain's private rooms and into the students' quarters.

The cutter was turned around, and Dick and Snuggers hurried toward the Hall. Their coming was noticed by a score of boys who were snowballing each other oh the parade ground, and a shout went up. "Dick Rover is coming back! Snuggers has brought Dick Rover back!" "Take care of the horse, Snuggers," said Dick. "Do the right thing, and I won't forget to pay you at Christmas-time."

"No, sir; the carryall is out on the street, and my boy Pete has the wagon for your trunks." "The trunks are already in the wagon," said Dick. "Come ahead." "How many of you, please?" went on Peleg Snuggers. "There is only one of me, thank you," answered Tom meekly. "Don't joke me so early in the term, please," said the utility man pleadingly.

Leaving Sam and Tubbs to take care of themselves, Tom left the bedroom and walked out in the upper hall once more. He was just in time to hear Peleg Snuggers returning with Jasper Grinder. "It's all nonsense," he heard, in the teacher's harsh voice. "The cold will do both of the boys good." "He said he was half frozen," insisted Snuggers.

Gus Coulter got in also, but when he saw that Reff Ritter and Nick Paxton had been left, he scrambled out again, and his place was taken by Fred Century, another student. "Hello, Peleg, old sport!" cried Pepper, gaily, to the driver of the turnout. "How have you been for the past fifty years?" "Oh, I'm very well, thank you," responded Peleg Snuggers.

Stanhope, sir? There isn't any Mr. Stanhope. He died two years ago. That place you see away over yonder is Mrs. Stanhope's farm." "She has a daughter Dora?" "Yes," Peleg Snuggers paused for a moment. "They say the widder thinks of marrying again." "Is that so!" put in Dick, and then he wondered if Dora would be pleased with her stepfather. "So that is the place?"

He got awfully mad at them, and was going to cane the lot, when all of a sudden he fell down in a fit, just like he was going to die, and we had to work over him most an hour before we could bring him around." Dick was greatly surprised over the news which Peleg Snuggers conveyed to him.