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Dat's what am doin' it." "O, a frigate-bird!" said Ben Brace, recognising in Snowball's synonyme one of the most noted wanderers of the ocean, the Pelicanus aquila of the naturalists, but which, from its swift flight and graceful form, is better known to mariners under the appellation given to it by Snowball. "Where away?" interrogated the sailor. "I don't see bird o' any sort. Where away, Snowy?"

So Mary brought two big pans and two pieces of soap from the kitchen. She filled the pans with water and put a piece of soap in each pan. Then she told the other children to watch the cream rise. She began to shake the soap about in the water, and the suds rose higher and higher. "It's rather white cream," she said, "but we can play it comes from a cow named Snowball."

"Snowball!" an imperious young voice called below the bank, "get that fish!" On the moment Chad was alert again somebody was fishing down there and he sprang from his perch and ran toward the fish just as a woolly head and a jet-black face peeped over the bank.

"I guess I'll have to be traveling on." "If you stay, I'll bake you a cherry pie every day," said Mrs. Cat. "And you can help find Snowball when she gets lost again." "Cherry pie is very good, and you are very kind," said the rabbit politely, "but I have my fortune to find."

"Please don't worry," said Uncle Wiggily. "I'll find her for you. I'll start right off, and if I can't find her I'll get a policeman, and he can, for the police always find lost children." So Uncle Wiggily started off, leaving his valise with Mrs. Cat, but taking his crutch with him, for he thought he might need it to beat off any bad dogs if they chased after Snowball.

Now then," as three of the men seized the shark by his enormous fins, "one, two, three, and over with him!" With a cry of "Yo, heave he!" and a hearty drag the great fish was turned over on his back; and then Snowball, stepping forward once more, placed himself astride the creature and, with a quick, powerful stroke of his knife, slit open its belly, and so put an end to its sufferings.

"Look, John, there's a whole row of snowball and lilac bushes, and here are some early yellow roses, and over there a border of golden glow and a bed of lilies of the valley, and yet further on some hardy lilies and peonies, and beyond the walk a strawberry bed and sage, and gooseberries and red raspberries and an arbor of grape vines and a rustic bench. "We are at home, John.

Toward the last, as they drew near Washington and the white dome of the Capitol hung aloft before them, looking as simple as a suspended snowball, he found himself, on the deck, in proximity to Mrs. Steuben. He reproached himself with having rather neglected her during an entertainment for which he was indebted to her bounty, and he sought to repair his omission by a proper deference.

Hadn't he seen that all over her face three days ago? If he hadn't, he was a snowball. By this time Fred was beginning to feel sorry for the driver. Miss Beers, however, was compassionless. After a few more turns, Fred suggested tea at the Casino. He was very cold himself, and remembering the shining silk hose and pumps, he wondered that the girl was not frozen.

Entangled in the meshes of the feathery, golden, if criminal, ringlets of Lady Audley, Anne did not know when she hopped round the curve of the walk behind the lilac and snowball bushes. Once safe in her bit of enchanted land, the child stood still and looked about her.