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May we come in here, or are you too much ashamed of your vices to court inspection?" Walter Butler hastened to open the door, bowing low as he did so, and delivering himself of some gallant nonsense or other. The London lady entered the room with a mincing, kittenish affectation of carriage, casting bold smirks about her, like an Italian dancer.

And how about that lady anyway? And how is his affair coming on? I never dreamed of starting anything. I was being friendly. Homer gets vivacious and smirks something horrible, and says, well, he don't see why people make a secret of such things; and the fact is that that lady and him have about decided that Fate has flung 'em together for a lofty purpose.

"I don't believe but he has been speculating." Then she wondered if there was any doubt about her getting her pay, and concluded that she would ask for it from day to day to make sure. So the next night after tea she asked, with one of her smirks of amiability, if it would be convenient for Mrs. Brewster to pay her that night.

"Do have some more of that fried chicken, Judge," said Virginia. Mr. Whipple helped himself fiercely, and the Colonel smiled. "You should be satisfied now," said he. "Another Northern man is in the White House." "Buchanan!" roared the Judge, with his mouth full. "Another traitor, sir. Another traitor worse than the first. He swallows the Dred Scott decision, and smirks.

Upon this the men began to deride him and to quote past words, till step by step, with deprecating smirks, oily grins, and leers of infinite cunning, the poor Babu was beaten out of his defences and forced to speak truth.

He smirks, bends double, pockets his money and laughs at us in his sleeve. Verily, friend Lasagni, you are quite right! But I regret the eighteenth century there were then such things as canes. The Counsellor de Brosses, who wished no harm to the Pope, wrote in 1740: "The Papal Government, although in fact the worst in Europe, is at the same time the mildest."

It was Ozzie B. of course, and Archie B. turned cautiously around to the Hillites behind, after the Elder had gone back to his chapter, and whispered: "Venture pee-wee under the bridge bam bam bam." Throughout the sermon Archie B. kept the young Hillites in a paroxysm of smirks.

"We'll carry these longways," Sabre directed, when the first one was tackled. "I'll shove it over. You two take the top, and I'll carry the foot." In this order they struggled up the stairs, High Jinks and Low Jinks backwards, and the smirks enlarged into panting giggles. Halfway up came a loud crack. "What the devil's that?" said Sabre, sweating and gasping.

Perceive will you not that this Lieutenant Pierson is your enemy. He tells you as much; surely the challenge is fair? Defeat him as you best can. Angelo shall not be abandoned." "O me! it is unendurable; you are merciless," said Vittoria, shuddering. She saw the vile figure of herself aping smirks and tender meanings to her old lover.

Two or three of these, with ingratiating smirks, converged upon the spot where their young chief halted and called aloud for torchon lace. The favoured one brought forth the stock, unexpectedly large and valuable, and the girl was soon able to make her choice. She wanted one dozen yards, and there was a piece of fourteen that Peter styled a "remnant" for her benefit.