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Nikolay Timofeitch turns in that direction, smirks and shouts: "Yes, we have! Ribbon with a metal stripe, ottoman with a satin stripe, and satin with a moiré stripe!" "Oh, by the way, I mustn't forget, Olga asked me to get her a pair of stays!" says Polinka. "There are tears in your eyes," says Nikolay Timofeitch in dismay. "What's that for?

The dining-room at the Nouveau Luxe represented, on such a spring evening, what unbounded material power had devised for the delusion of its leisure: a phantom "society," with all the rules, smirks, gestures of its model, but evoked out of promiscuity and incoherence while the other had been the product of continuity and choice.

But, again, there are natures that are not susceptible to extremes; as a simile: a maid whose soul is ever vibrant with the ineffable joys of the world to come, walks by the seashore and mayhap beholds the full moon rise from the water and cast to her very feet a pathway of gold, and she will quickly join herself to those who see like visions, and pathway will lie against pathway and produce a sea of gold; on the other hand, if she be a foolish virgin and looks not before her, but tosses high head in pride or walks with downcast eyes and smiles and blushes and smirks and flings aside thoughts of deity, until she becomes submerged; on a sudden Gabriel will blow and the world will cease revolving, and then where wilt thou be, oh, maid that hath fluttered from sweet to sweet and forgotten thy prayers?"

The moment she discerns this sentimentality bubbling within him that is, the moment his oafish smirks and eye rollings signify that he has achieved the intellectual disaster that is called falling in love he is hers to do with as she will. Save for acts of God, he is forthwith as good as married. The Feminine Attitude This sentimentality in marriage is seldom, if ever, observed in women.

Wild thoughts of running away to be an actress, in spite of Klesmer, came to her with the lure of freedom; but his words still hung heavily on her soul; they had alarmed her pride and even her maidenly dignity: dimly she conceived herself getting amongst vulgar people who would treat her with rude familiarity odious men, whose grins and smirks would not be seen through the strong grating of polite society.

Business was dreadfully poor then, and for the life of me I could not get a hold on anything in the way of hotel housekeeper, or millinery, or doctor's office-maid. For every position that offered, which was few, there was a mob of women with their smirks and smiles and references in white envelopes that they were trying to keep clean as the days went by.

"Do have some more of that fried chicken, Judge," said Virginia. Mr. Whipple helped himself fiercely, and the Colonel smiled. "You should be satisfied now," said he. "Another Northern man is in the White House." "Buchanan!" roared the Judge, with his mouth full. "Another traitor, sir. Another traitor worse than the first. He swallows the Dred Scott decision, and smirks.

"Ah, Pierre, you have done finely for us all!" And there oozed over my Lady Kirke's countenance as fine a satisfaction as ever radiated from the face of a sweating cook. "How?" asks Pierre Radisson, pursing his lips. "Sir John hath dined twice with His Royal Highness " "The Duke is Governor of the Company, and Sir John is a director." "Ta-ta, now there you go, Pierre!" smirks my lady.

On this day, however, Voltaire eyed me somewhat superciliously, and I protest I relished it by contrast with the smirks and bows and smiles and honeyed words lavished upon me by others in hopes of an invitation to Chambord. My master remained with the king a full half hour. When he came out, he was accompanied, as when he went in, by the old marshal, Duc de Noailles.

And now, on the contrary, you sell yourself for gold to a man you don't care for, and all your friends rejoice over you, and a minister of public worship sanctions the base horror of the vilest of all human bargains, and smiles and smirks afterwards at your table, if you are polite enough to ask him to breakfast. Hey! presto! pass! Be a mouse again, and squeak.