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Molly, after an instant's calculation, saw the point, and shot a wrathful glance across the table. "Well," she remarked, in a judicial summing up of the matter, "you may think you're smart, but that don't help your fare and hands from being so greasy they're just disgusting; and I don't care, so!"

"This is a school ship, I'm told," said Captain Greely, the master of the shipwrecked vessel, who had also been invited to the main cabin. "Yes, sir; we call it the Academy Ship, and we have eighty-seven young gentlemen on board," replied Mr. Lowington. "They are smart boys, sir. I never saw boats better handled than those which brought us off from the ship," added Captain Greely, warmly.

You may fool him once, but Grandfather Frog has lived so long that he has become very wise, and though Billy Mink is very smart, it takes some one a great deal smarter than Billy Mink to fool Grandfather Frog twice in the same way.

Alexander felt that some recognition of this metamorphosis was expected of her, but she had no intent of admitting the true force of its impression. "Hit's a right smart wonder I knowed ye a-tall, ye've done spruced up so," was the dubious compliment with which she favored him after a deliberate scrutiny. "I hain't nuver seed ye with yore face washed afore."

Paul merely followed the Indian fashion of taunting one's enemies. He believed that in the forest it was best to follow its ways. "Aren't you going, Braxton?" he called. "Long Jim is letting the fire die down and if you don't hurry around there you won't see the smoke." "You think you're smart, Paul Cotter," Braxton Wyatt called back in anger. "You've read too many books.

"It was not very smart of you to allow yourself to be robbed," rejoined Paul quickly. "No thief would have gotten the chance to fool me that way. I would not have been so friendly with a strange man as to allow him the chance to get his fingers in my pocket." "Oh, Paul! you think you are very wise, but you would have been taken in just as I was by his smooth, sleek speech.

Right through the great gate of the Chateau rumbled a large motor truck with an American flag fluttering from the radiator! It was driven by a strange young woman in a smart gray uniform. Beside her on the driver's seat sat an older woman dressed the same way and carrying in her hand a black medicine-case.

"What do you mean?" "There's a modesty in holiness that is hardly adapted to catch smart women." "You used to go to hear Harding preach." "And d'you know why I liked his sermons?" "Why?" "Because he understood doubt so well. That amused me. But the man who has such a comprehensive understanding of skepticism, is very seldom a true believer.

Sells mud mixed with oatmeal? and Lige says, 'Yes, sir, he's got a whole mountain of it, and he's getting ten dollars a ton net for it, which is better than a gold mine. 'And you call that smart? says I. 'Yes, says he, 'yes, sir, that's commercial instinct; it's perfectly clean mud, and our chemist says it won't harm any one, says he.

Peerybingle took advantage of this interval, to make herself as smart in a small way as ever you saw anybody in all your life; and, during the same short truce, Miss Slowboy insinuated herself into a spencer of a fashion so surprising and ingenious, that it had no connection with herself, or anything else in the universe, but was a shrunken, dog's-eared, independent fact, pursuing its lonely course without the least regard to anybody.