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If chatter would do it, he'd get her mind off that four-hundred-foot drop. "I cue-can't!" breathed Molly. "I cue-can't walk across on that lul-log! I'd fall off! I know I would!" "You ain't gonna walk across the log," he told her with a broad grin. "I'll carry you pickaback. C'mon, Molly, slide off. That's right. Now when I stoop put yore arms round my neck. I'll stick my arms under yore legs.

The door was just sufficiently opened to give passage to the latter, was hastily closed, and the bolt was heard to slide. But two hours later Eugene appeared, and greeted his two faithful attendants with a gracious inclination of the head. "Now, Conrad," said he, "I am ready to oblige you by taking my breakfast.

By constantly appealing to Miss Vincent he made their conversation together seem as under her conduct; and she took a slide on some French phrases with little Emile.

"The company must be very agreeable which can make time slide away so very deceitfully." "Upon my honour," said he, "the most agreeable I ever saw. Pray tell me, Lady Bellaston, who is this blazing star which you have produced among us all of a sudden?" "What blazing star, my lord?" said she, affecting a surprize.

Whether that Hungarian fugitive would ever be caught appeared to Horne Fisher to be highly doubtful; nor can it be pretended that he displayed any very demoniac detective energy in the matter as he leaned back in the boat cushions, smoking, and watching the swaying reeds slide past. "It was a very good notion to hop up on to the bridge," he said.

The walls were always weathering, slipping. Many and many a time have I heard the rumble of an avalanche, but most of them were in other canyon. This slide in the valley made it possible, Uncle Jim said, for men to get down into the valley. But we could not climb out unless helped from above. Uncle Jim never rested well after that. But it never worried me.

When the Ranger turned, the clouds of dust were settling, though the earth still rocked. A hundred feet of snow lay across the trail in a wall. Huge trees had been torn from the roots, sucked in, twisted and torted like straws. "Look," reiterated the old frontiersman. Against the rock trail on the other side of the snow slide, three men stood waving frantically.

Endow the members of a community with equal properties, positions, powers, and they will forthwith begin to slide into inequalities. Be it in a representative assembly, a railway board, or a private partnership, the homogeneity, though it may continue in name, inevitably disappears in reality. The instability thus variously illustrated becomes still more manifest if we consider its rationale.

"Stephen's been dead 'most a month. That's one reason they couldn't let things slide, so the minute Pete was free they put him on the job. He was keen, because of Heron. And John Heron blew into New York just the right time, for the plan. Pete was to get the papers first, and then you know what." "Yes, I know dat. But Stephen Stephen gone, what 'old 'ad Chuff on Olga?"

"Get a couple of reins, tie them together, and then slide down from the wall." "Good!" exclaimed Denham; and, after a pause: "Better! Yes, that will do. Start from the far corner?" "No, from just up here where Joeboy arranged the stones. We can tie up to one of those big ones that you stand on to look over. You feel strong enough to slide down? it isn't far." "Oh yes."