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"I do not pretend to inquire into the nature of the tie which unites you with some in this ship," Ludlow commenced, addressing his words to Seadrift, though he kept his gaze on the recent gift of Alida; "but, that it must be strong, is evident by the interest they have taken in your fate. One who is thus esteemed should set a value on himself.

He therefore bowed with sufficient courtesy, and professed his readiness to follow the suggestions of the Alderman. "We have met on neutral ground, Master Seadrift," said Ludlow to his gay companion, as they quitted the saloon of la Cour des Fées; "and though bent on different objects, we may discourse amicably of the past.

The cheek of Alida was blanched to a deadly paleness; but there rested about the bright and wild eyes of Seadrift, an expression of supernatural resolution. When the crew abandoned the hope of extinguishing the flames, they had closed all the hatches, to retard the crisis as much as possible.

He had remained, however, with a resolution to be calm, and to know the worst. Conquering the expression of his feelings by a great effort, he answered with an exterior of composure, though not without some of that bitterness in his emphasis, which he felt at his heart. "If Master Seadrift has this knowledge, he may value himself on his good fortune;" was the reply.

"You are understood, Sir; Master Seadrift has fallen into the hands of the Queen's servants but take good heed! if injury, in word or deed, befall that youth, there live those who well know how to resent the wrong!" "These are lofty expressions, to come from a proscribed man; but we will overlook them, in the motive.

When he expected the heaviest demand on his address, in order to check the usual forward and reckless familiarity of Seadrift, in order that his connexion with the 'Skimmer of the Seas' might be as much as possible involved in ambiguity, to his own amazement, he found his purpose more than aided by the sudden and extraordinary respect with which he was treated.

When the girl should have been asleep, she is up, gazing at the stars, and disconcerting a burgher's speculations But fear thee not, Master Seadrift; my niece has discretion, and if we have no better pledge for her silence, there is that of necessity; since there is no one here for a confidant, but her old Norman valet, and the Patroon of Kinderhook, both of whom are dreaming of other matter than a little gainful traffic."

Should the Queen take offence at our dealings, Master Seadrift, bring me another season, or two, as profitable as the last, and I'll be your passenger to London, go on 'change, buy a seat in Parliament, and answer to the royal displeasure from my place, as they call it.

Hast brought goods suited to the colonies?" "In plenty." "And ingeniously assorted? Colonies and monopoly! But there is a two-fold satisfaction in this clandestine traffic! I never get the notice of thy arrival, Master Seadrift, but the heart within me leapeth of gladness! There is a double pleasure in circumventing the legislation of your London wiseacres!" "The chiefest of which is ?"

First giving some orders of the last importance at that moment, he passed into the cabin, and sought a private interview with his captive. "That vacant state-room is at your service, Master Seadrift," he observed, pointing to the little apartment opposite to the one he occupied himself.