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A moment later he called to Jeff and, after a hurried conference, the two of them brought the wanderer up to the fire. "Hey!" called Bill Lightfoot, "that ain't one of Bill's pack that's old Turco, his home dog." "Don't you think I know Bill's dogs yet?" inquired Creede scathingly. "Now if you'll jest kindly keep your face shet a minute, I'll see what's the matter with this leg."

"Well," he rumbled scathingly, "you've been a-playin' hell, hain't ye? I mought 'a' knowed whut would happen with Honeycutts a- leadin' that gang. I tol' 'em to go up thar an' fight open man to man. They don't know nothin' but way-layin'. A thousand of 'em shootin' one pore man in the back! Whut've I been tryin' to l'arn ye since you was a baby? God knows I WANTED him killed.

She had spoken scathingly of two young females she ejected for just that reason. Nor was Mrs. Purp free she was ridden by the Gas Company. So it went. It struck him, now he was down to about three dollars, that a generous gesture toward Fortune might be valuable. When you are nearly out of money, he reasoned, to toss coins to the gods i. e., to buy something quite unnecessary may be propitiatory.

Make the church keep them, please, Sophy!" begged Alicia. Judge Gatchell made an odd noise in his throat. "One of my little granddaughters, taken to Saint Polycarp's by her mother, asked, 'Mamma, who is that big woman up there with the pick-axe? And they told her," said the Judge, scathingly, "they told her it was Hope!

But the painful duty of opening her eyes will be undertaken by that" the break before the designation is scathingly contemptuous "by that distinguished nobleman himself, and by no other." "How can you compel the man to give himself away?" demands the Reverend Julius incredulously.

Go to it." "It leaves something to be looked into, at any rate," mused Shane. "Why didn't you think of it for yourself?" said Hendricks, rather scathingly. "It seems to me a detective ought to look a little beyond his nose!" "I can't think we've got to, in this case," Shane persisted; "but I'm willing to try.

Tresslyn said in response to this sarcasm, but she said it scathingly. For a full minute they stood looking into each other's eyes, each appraising the other, one offensively, the other defensively. She had the advantage of him, for she was prepared to defend herself while he was in the position of one who attacks without strategy and leaps from one exposed spot to another.

His eye flashed prophetic fire. "So soon?" I said, with a sceptical smile. "How could they survive?" Marindin inquired scathingly. "Is it likely any of us would consent to be born hunchbacks?" broke in the publisher; "or to enter families with hereditary gout? Would any sane Antelander put himself under the yoke of animal instincts or tendencies to drink?

"He must make friends easily," I said. "With the women? yes," he replied, so scathingly that I was forced to laugh in spite of myself. "Let us go in and look at the register," I suggested. "You may have his name wrong." We went in accordingly. Sure enough, in bold, heavy characters, was the name Charles Wrexell Allen written out in full. That handwriting was one in a thousand.

An exultant light leapt into the minister's eye. 'Is he shut? 'Is your mouth shut? Solomon replied scathingly. The ministerial mouth remained open in a fishy gasp, but no words came from it. 'I'm afraid you'll have to use stronger language, Mr. Gabriel, said the Parnass soothingly. 'But if he is not there to hear it. 'Oh, don't listen to Barzinsky. He'll be there right enough.