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"Who knows, sir?" said Mr. Savage prophetically. "There are folk who say that this old castle is haunted, which after what I have seen to-night I can well believe. If you should chance to meet a ghost looking, let us say, like those black villains, Harum and Scarum, or whatever they call themselves well, sir, two's better company than one."

You would never make a pool player if you were to practice all your life. It is not the eye that is wrong, but the temperament. You can make a very good shot now and then, but you are too harum scarum and slap dash altogether.

Turning to Mrs. Sandford, she exclaimed, "Who is this fellow?" Number Two hastened to answer for himself: "My name, Ma'am, is Scarum, Harum Scarum some of the young lawyers call me. Ha!" "Well, Mr. Scarum, you can keep your compliments for those who appreciate them. Come, Lydia, let us go down to breakfast.

They met the gentlemen they were to marry at the balls, and then there was a proper wedding breakfast and all the rest, as it should be. I don't hold with the scarum days of the present." "Look here, nursey," exclaimed Annie, "the fairies will look lovely, and I'll show you myself how innocent and simple the clouds are, and as to the wings, I'll make a pair for you if you like."

"Is it ghosts, sir, or are you ill, or is it Harum and Scarum, of whom I have been thinking all night? Very cold too, sir, being afraid to pull up the bedclothes for fear lest there might be more reptiles in them."

Van Dam broke out laughing at Kitty's mimicry. I wish the child wouldn't let her hair straggle in front of her ears and look so harum- scarum. "I doubt if we have had many harsh critics," said Miss Baker. "Not a thing to criticise," cried Aunt Frank, entering just then and catching the last word. "Everybody so interested in Nelly!

"Oh, Dad, I think you're awfully mean not to take me along," pouted Della, who was present. "Why, Lassie," said her father, "with a bunch of harum scarum boys to look after, my hands will be full enough." "Yes, you think they're just boys," flashed his young daughter. "But you wait and see. They'll be taking care of you. Just you wait and see. Frank is awfully clever." "Frank?" said Mr.

Nevill Tyson; and Scarum burst into her second heat. "I suppose you have a right to drive your own animal into the ditch," said he. Mrs.

How about schools, education, the country? How about God? Was anyone thinking? Had anyone time? What a racket it made, slam-banging along. The taxis and motor trucks thundered and brayed, dark masses of people swept endlessly by, as though their very souls depended on their dinners or their jobs, their movies, roaring farces, thrills, their harum scarum dances, clothes.

For presently I heard a voice which I recognized as that of Mr. Savage, asking, not without a certain quaver in its tone, "Who the devil is that?" "Me," I replied, being flustered. "'Me' won't do," said the voice. "'Me' might be Harum or it might be Scarum, or it might be someone worse. Who's 'Me'?" "Allan Quatermain, you idiot," I whispered through the keyhole. "Anna who? Well, never mind.