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I am still a sinner, though you incline to sainthood, and I have one question more to ask. What was it that took you and Jasper so suddenly away from Paris?" "That I can never tell you." "I shall discover it for myself, then." "It is impossible." "Nothing is impossible to a determined woman." "You can neither wring, surprise, nor bribe this secret from the two persons who hold it.

Concerning this St. Guthlac full details remain, both in Latin and Anglo-Saxon; the author of the original document professing to be one Felix, a monk of Ramsey near by, who wrote possibly as early as the eighth century. Guthlac's throat, and instal himself in his cell, that he might have the honour and glory of sainthood? But St.

With regard to this last and twelfth Imam, some say, very erroneously, that he is yet to appear. Now the fact is, the twelfth Imam has appeared. He lived and died like the rest of the sainthood; otherwise what would be the use of praying for him? The Muhammadans offer up prayers for the dead, but I never heard of their praying for the unborn. Much nonsense has been written about this Fasli aera.

"I am Denis, and sainthood is my trade, I love the land of Gaul,... etc." "Well, well, sir Saint, 'twas hardly worth your pains Thus to forsake the heavenly domains...." "Some ribalds took the pig, Of the good St. Anthony, And clapping a cowl on's head, They made the brute a monk. 'Twas all a matter of dress...."

I have no desire to dissuade anyone from the arduous pursuit of sainthood; but I submit that the word "duty," as sanctioned by usage, implies but a limited demand, and takes cognizance of character and environment. He who comes up to this moderate standard is not condemned; but he is free to go farther and to become as great a saint as he pleases. In which case, we admire him.

Ireland, it is almost superfluous to observe, has long since decided to call herself The Island of Saints, an assertion akin to the national challenge of trailing the coat-tails, and believers in hereditary might, perhaps, be justified in assuming a strictly celibate sainthood.

It is yet more consoling to know that when well advanced in sainthood, when old, austere, exiled, and suffering many privations for conscience' sake, Chrysostom was still disposed to be a trifle fastidious about his bread. He writes from Caesarea to Theodora that he has at last found clean water to drink, and bread which can be chewed.

He describes Loyola as "the knightly, the loyal, the true, the father of heroes, and the maker of saints, the lover of the all-good and the all-beautiful, crowned with the honor of sainthood, the best-loved and the best-hated man in all the world, save only his Master and ours." "'Twas he that conceived the daring plan of forging the weapon to beat back the Reformation."

East or West, it matters not where the story may, doubtless, indicate something of latitude and longitude as it proceeds in the city of Mishaumok, lived Henderson Gartney, Esq., one of those American gentlemen of whom, if she were ever canonized, Martha of Bethany must be the patron saint if again, feminine celestials, sainthood once achieved through the weary experience of earth, don't know better than to assume such charge of wayward man born, as they are, seemingly, to the life destiny of being ever "careful and troubled about many things."

Not being content with the opportunities which life afforded, he instituted an evening service in church in order to prepare for death." These, however, were only some of the milder uses to which the Bishop put his histrionic talents in order to prove his claim to sainthood.