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When you are this way you sleep a great deal, and I did. Once I woke in an awful fright it seemed to me that the calling was right there in the garret! And so it was: it was Sadie's voice, and she was crying; my name was falling from her lips all broken, poor thing, and I could not believe my ears for the joy of it when I heard her say,

"Had you a pleasant ride?" he asked, as the tone of the music lulled a little. "Charming." Sadie's voice was full of emphasis and sarcasm. "I judged, by the style of music which you were playing, that there must have been a hurricane." "Nothing of the sort; only a little paternal advice." "Indeed! Have you been taken into his kindly care? I congratulate you."

But if they're all like you, I don't believe they'll ever do much harm in the world. Here we are, though this is Sadie's room.

Pert felt too miserably weak and apathetic to further object to Sadie's suggestion or Arthur's remedy; so, under her cousin's ministering guidance, she retired to an upper room and prepared herself with what comfort she could to rest, while Sadie opened the windows and drew the shades.

"Eh?" says I. "Why, that's only Mabel. Cunnin' little thing, ain't she?" "Shorty," demands Sadie, "where on earth did you ever meet such a person?" Then, of course, I had to sketch out the whole story. It was high time; for Sadie's lips was set more or less firm.

With a conviction that she had not been told till it was absolutely necessary, Elizabeth walked promptly out to meet her young neighbours. It was the old Luther which greeted her. "You know my wife, Lizzie," he said with such a happy look in Sadie's direction that Elizabeth's heart responded to the call for open friendship. Luther never nursed suspicion.

Douglass removed his cigar long enough to give vent to a hearty laugh in remembrance of some of Sadie's remarks. Just across the hall Dr. Van Anden sat before his table, one hand partly shading his eyes from the gaslight while he read. And the words which he read were these: "O let not the oppressed returned ashamed: let the poor and needy praise thy name.

Gudge are they to be allowed to murder the leaders of the working class without a struggle? No, we must show them that there is a great movement, a world-wide awakening of the workers, a struggle for freedom for the wage slaves " But Peter could stand no more of this. "All right," he said, suddenly interrupting Sadie's eloquence.

As Win became one of the band of shadows, under Sadie's direction, gradually she grew accustomed to the gloom, and her gaze called many of the strange objects forth into life. She found long-haired Shetland ponies big enough to ride, glorified hobby horses clad in real skins, and unglorified ones with nostrils like those of her landlady in Columbus Avenue.

I'm thinking of Sadie's feelings when I come home with a wad of five-dollar bills. She won't be surprised; she'll get a shock." He talked with better humor during the meal, but was silent afterwards and sat with half-closed eyes, stretching out his feet towards the crackling logs.