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But I'm not sure I do not prefer an impressionistic girl, whom you can't half see, to such a thorough bread-and-butter miss as this." "Which would you rather live with?" "I'm not obliged to live with either. In fact, I'd rather live with myself. If it's art, I want art; if it's cooking and sewing, I want cooking and sewing. If the artist knew enough, he'd paint a woman instead of a cook."

The semi-annual payment of interest on the bonded indebtedness falls due on July first and we're going to default on it, sure as death and taxes. Colonel Pennington holds a majority of our bonds, and that means prompt suit for foreclosure." "Well, then, Sinclair," Bryce retorted, carefully pigeon-holing the documents the manager had handed him, "I'll tell you what we'll do.

Her tastes, to be sure, were modest, but the wherewithal to gratify them had always been almost stultifyingly near at hand. The excitement and adventure of an income to which there was attached some uncertainty had never been hers, and she was too much her father's daughter to be interested in the playing of any game in which she could not lose.

=Rural Schools no Better than Formerly.= Notwithstanding all this, it is probably true that the rural schools of to-day are, on the whole, but little better than those of twenty years ago. About that time I served four years as county superintendent of schools in a western state. As I recall the condition of the schools of that day I feel sure that there has been but little real progress.

"She would be sufficiently curious that she would come to learn how much I have spent if she had no other interest in me." She looked at the fireplace reflectively. "I wonder," she said, "what Eileen thought of that and I wonder if she noticed that little 'P. M. tucked away down there in the corner." "Sure she did," said Katy. "She has got eyes like a cat.

A fine bustle, we may be sure, was made on the introduction of these personages to their reserved seats on the platform, where they sate encompassed by others of the great ladies of Newcome, to whom they and the lecturer were especially gracious at this season. Was not Parliament about to be dissolved, and were not the folks at Newcome Park particularly civil at that interesting period?

Like Scot, he wrote to end, so far as possible, the punishment of innocent women; like Scot, he believed that most of the evidence presented against them was worthless. But on other points he was far less radical. There were witches. He found them in the Bible. To be sure they were nothing more than pawns for the Devil.

Why, we shall have the landlord up! And you could smoke and drink 'forward, as you called it. What? "That's nothing to do with it. Yes; forward. What a pity that Miss Prettyman wasn't with you! I'm sure nothing could be too forward for her. No, I won't hold my tongue; and I ought not to be ashamed of myself. It isn't treason, is it, to speak of Miss Prettyman?

Duncan, Betty's kind friend and adviser, had been sure that these ginghams would all four be needed to clothe our heroine comfortably through the summer, that is to judge from experience in other summers; but it made a difference in the stress put upon ginghams, to be a year older.

After all, I fancy not much harm comes to the devoted boy from his enthusiasms for this imperfect hero or that. In my own case I am sure that I distinguished as to certain sins in my idols. I could not cast them down or cease to worship them, but some of their frailties grieved me and put me to secret shame for them.