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David had found a way. He and Mother hurried to the bookcase. In great haste they rummaged the shelves; magazines were pushed aside; pamphlets and papers were pushed aside Good! Here it was, that scrapbook. Wild with excitement David began thumbing the pages; he laughed; he tore some of the leaves.

It was, in truth, a spectacle worthy of a more intelligent spectator than Phoebus, to see how these beautiful maidens, with their envenomed and angry tongues, wound, serpent-like, and glided and writhed around the street dancer. They were cruel and graceful; they searched and rummaged maliciously in her poor and silly toilet of spangles and tinsel.

Just at that moment two ladies came in to ask for a special sort of stationery. Susy, who was never in the least interested in the shop, did not know where to find it. She rummaged about, making a great mess amongst her mother's neat stores; and finally she was obliged to say that she did not know where it was.

All of which danced before Nick's intellectual vision for a space briefer than my too numerous words. "I pitched into your treasures I rummaged among your canvases," Peter said. "Biddy had nothing whatever to do with it she maintained an attitude of irreproachable reserve. It has been on my conscience all these days and I ought to have done penance before.

She then rummaged in a drawer for a pencil, but finding, after a prolonged search, that they were all blunt; "Where did I," she thereupon ejaculated, "put that brand-new pencil the other day? How is it I can't remember where it is?" While she soliloquised, she became wrapt in thought. After some reflection she, at length, gave a smile.

His duties compelled him to hurry, for the cable was coming in fast, and overhead the heavy canvas began to rattle and flap in the wind as the schooner swung. He entered the cabin that had been used as a chart room and rummaged the desk for parallel rulers and dividers; but a soft step behind him brought him to a stand quickly.

Every nest in Judge Kane's chicken-house was rummaged that night, and Mrs. Kane found next day that all the nest-eggs were gone, and that one of her young hens was missing also. About dark, little Allen Mackay, a round-bodied, plump-faced, jolly fellow who lived near the place where the skiffs were landed, and who had spent the afternoon at the Indian Mound, came to the door of the old log-house.

Then he wildly rummaged to the very bottom of the chest, and finally cried out: "'Tis gone! The silver's gone!" Madly he looked through the chest again, throwing out every pelt and every article it contained, but the pelt was not there. The Beaver. Dried. Marks was well satisfied with his day's work. He had gone to Double Up Cove for the silver fox pelt, and he had it. He also had the otter pelt.

I rummaged the book store until I found a charming little edition of 'Marshall's Geologist's Pocket Companion, covered with beautiful brown limp Russia leather I thought the Russia binding was so inspirational with a sweet little clasp that keeps it closed typical of our hands at parting.

Squire sent you a letter; and I'm having such a jolly time, I never thought of it." Ben rummaged out the note with remorseful haste, protesting that he was in no hurry for Mr. Gulliver, and very glad to save him for another day.