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By the extraordinary and almost romantic incidents of that night, the imagination of Gerald had been deeply impressed, and on retiring to his rude couch within the battery he had fully made up his mind to explore further into the mysterious affair, with as little delay as possible after the expected fall of the American fortress.

Ralph murmured something in confirmation, and Miss Regan at once stood up and placed her hand in his arm. Ralph gave a reproachful glance at his captain as he moved away. Fortunately, he was not called upon to say much, for Miss Regan burst out: "It is too bad of you not having been here before, Mr. Conway quite rude of you.

Mistakes and family quarrels of Mr. and Mrs. Elford: His departure, and exile: with the letters he wrote And now the period approached when the pleasures of the days of childhood were to terminate, and when I was to experience an abundance of those rude disasters under which the poor, the friendless, and the fatherless, groan.

The sketches were simply rude copies of newspaper pictures, but there was no doubt of the taste and talent that had directed their pencilling. "Have you ever had any teaching, Phil?" she asked. "No, ma'am," answered Joe for Phil, thinking he might be bashful.

The team of gnarled gray horses kept on their steady walk, hour after hour, and day after day; and bivouac after bivouac lay behind them, marked by the rude heap of brush piled up at night as an excuse for shelter against the wind or by the tiny circle of ashes where had been a small but sufficient fire.

The rude shelter of boughs and leaves, which is their only house, is perhaps made a little more private than usual for the benefit of the labouring woman. The pregnant woman goes on with her work up to the moment of labour and resumes it almost immediately afterwards. She at once becomes responsible for the care of the infant.

Once or twice we see a cluster of palms beside a rude well, hedged in by a little patch of green earth, about which a few camels or goats are quenching their thirst or cropping the scanty herbage. Some Arabs, in picturesque costumes, linger hard by.

On the 20th of July they arrived at Nain, where the missionaries welcomed them with tears of joy the Esquimaux received them with shouting and other rude expressions of pleasure. Of these, some hundreds, this summer, had set up their tents around the settlements many of them strangers from a distance.

On the flat top of the oven strips of rabbit steak were broiling, and from them came the aroma which had been so potent a charm in the nostrils of the three. The long-legged man sat in Turkish fashion, and his eyes were intent upon his oven and steaks. One hand rested in a rude sling, but the other held a stick with which he now and then poked up the coals.

Even if I was rude to you that day when you dragged it out of me, most mothers, I think, would have been sorry for a fellow " His voice suddenly broke; but he instantly recovered himself. "Instead of that, mother you only thought of how you could thwart and checkmate me how you could get your way and force me to give up mine.