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"And at midnight in trooped every man, woman, and brat of the encampment. The padre takes a tom-tom and stands at one end of the lodge beating a very knave of a rub-a-dub and shouting at the top of his voice: 'Eat, brothers, eat! Bulge the eye, swell the coat, loose the belt! Eat, brothers, eat! Chouart stands at the boiler ladling out joints faster than an army could gobble.

Now please, Iris, which is to have a public funeral?" "Of course Rub-a-Dub must," answered Iris. "As to the others " "Don't you think that poor toad, Iris?" said Diana, wrinkling up her brows, and gazing anxiously at her sister. "The toad seems to me to be rather big to have only a pwivate funeral. We could scarcely get dock leaves enough."

Below on the road toward the city, a band of white across the table land, successive spots of smoke momentarily appeared and were succeeded, after a considerable interval, by the rub-a-dub of rifles.

When she came to the fourth boudoir, a handsome blue parrot sat on a blue perch and began barking as if it were nearly starved. Then it cried out, "Rub-a-dub, dub, Gimme some grub!" Trot laughed and gave it some seeds, and while the parrot ate them she stroked gently his soft feathers.

The five old soldiers of the dragon's teeth grew very fond of these small urchins, and were never weary of showing them how to shoulder sticks, flourish wooden swords, and march in military order, blowing a penny trumpet, or beating an abominable rub-a-dub upon a little drum.

We must get through the pwivate funerals as quick as possible this morning, and then we'll be weady for poor Rub-a-Dub." "Rub-a-Dub is to be buried exactly at eleven o'clock," said Iris. "We'll all wear mourning, course?" asked Diana. "Yes; black bows." "And are the dogs and the other animals to wear mourning?" "Black bows," repeated Iris. "That is most lovely and 'citing," said Diana.

Senator Frye of Maine took the lead in a rub-a-dub agitation in the presence of which some Democratic Senators showed marked timidity. The administration of public services by congressional committees has the incurable defect that it reflects the particular interests and attachments of the committeemen.

At every piazza there are detachments stationed; their muskets are stacked in rows on the ground, and the men stand ready to march at the word of order. In every side- street sentinels are posted. From time to time orderlies gallop past. Ever and anon you hear the rub-a-dub of the drums, as new detachments pass on towards the Corso.

She did not know anything about the work being wholesome or the reverse. The dead creatures had to be properly treated, and had to be buried either privately or publicly that was essential nothing else mattered at all to her. "As Rub-a-Dub is such a dear darlin', I should not be s'prised if Iris did have a public funeral," she commented. "But what is the difference, Di? Tell me," said her father.

Sunshine was the bard of the trio; and while all three would be busily employed clattering their soap-stones against the metal, he would exhilarate them with some remarkable St. Domingo melodies; one of which was the following: "Oh! I los' my shoe in an old canoe, Johnio! come Winum so! Oh! I los' my boot in a pilot-boat, Johnio! come Winum so! Den rub-a-dub de copper, oh!