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What would ye? Wherefore do ye stop my path? FRIESSHARDT. You've broke the mandate, and must go with us. LEUTHOLD. You have not done obeisance to the cap. TELL. Friend, let me go. FRIESSHARDT. Away, away to prison! WALTER. Father to prison! This way, you men! Good people, help! They're dragging him to prison! SACRISTAN. What's here amiss? ROSSELMANN. Why do you seize this man?

ROSSELMANN. Confederates! listen to the words which God Inspires my heart withal. Here we are met To represent the general weal. In us Are all the people of the land convened. Then let us hold the Diet, as of old, And as we're wont in peaceful times to do. The time's necessity be our excuse If there be aught informal in this meeting.

They shield the foe, and should the king invade us, The task would then be dangerous indeed. Rossberg and Sarnen both must be secured, Before a sword is drawn in either Canton. STAUFFACHER. Should we delay, the foe will soon be warned; We are too numerous for secrecy. MEYER. There is no traitor in the Forest States. ROSSELMANN. But even zeal may heedlessly betray.

"In the great grief and doleful widowhood, In which the bloody exit of her lord Has plunged her majesty, she still remembers The ancient faith and love of Switzerland." MELCHTHAL. She ne'er did that in her prosperity. ROSSELMANN. Hush, let us hear. "And she is well assured, Her people will in due abhorrence hold The perpetrators of this damned deed.

STAUFFACHER. Does the child's innocence not touch your heart? ROSSELMANN. Bethink you, sir, there is a God in heaven, To whom you must account for all your deeds. Bind him to yonder lime tree straight! WALTER. Bind me? No, I will not be bound! I will be still, Still as a lamb nor even draw my breath! But if you bind me I cannot be still. Then I shall writhe and struggle with my bonds.

HUNN. The ancient books may not be near at hand, Yet are they graven in our inmost hearts. ROSSELMANN. 'Tis well. And now, then, let a ring be formed, And plant the swords of power within the ground. MAUER. Let the Landamman step into his place, And by his side his secretaries stand. SACRIST. There are three Cantons here. Which hath the right To give the head to the united council?

The apple's down! ROSSELMANN. The boy's alive! MANY VOICES. The apple has been struck! BERTHA supports him. How? Has he shot? The madman! BERTHA. Worthy father! Pray you compose yourself. The boy's alive! Here is the apple, father! Well I knew You would not harm your boy. His bow drops from his hand.

But Rosselmann, the priest, was even with me: Coming just then from some sick penitent, He stands before the pole raises the Host The Sacrist, too, must tinkle with his bell When down they dropped on knee myself and all In reverence to the Host, but not the cap. LEUTHOLD. Hark ye, companion, I've a shrewd suspicion, Our post's no better than the pillory.

FURST and STAUFFACHER. Peace, peace, friends! Riot! Insurrection, ho! WOMEN. The governor! Rebellion! Mutiny! STAUFFACHER. Roar, till you burst, knave! ROSSELMANN and MELCHTHAL. Will you hold your tongue? Help, help, I say, the servants of the law! FURST. The viceroy here! Then we shall smart for this! HARRAS. Room for the viceroy! GESSLER. Drive the clowns apart. Why throng the people thus?

FRIESSHARDT. He is an enemy of the king a traitor! A traitor, I! ROSSELMANN. Friend, thou art wrong. 'Tis Tell, An honest man, and worthy citizen. Grandfather, help! they want to seize my father! FRIESSHARDT. Away to prison! Stay! I offer bail. For God's sake, Tell, what is the matter here? LEUTHOLD. He has contemned the viceroy's sovereign power, Refusing flatly to acknowledge it.