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"Meanwhile the kiddies had better not have them," Mrs. Schuler decided, so they were put aside with the basket, to be finished later when the needed tips should be procured in Rosemont. "You got off pretty well, that time, sir," laughed Roger. "What were you trying to do?" "I wath an Indian thooting bearth. Vladimir wath a bear." "A Russian bear.

Promptly back by way of Rosemont, leave the note there and then bring the Judge's horse to him at the camp-fire. If lights were out at Rosemont he could give the letter to some servant to be delivered next morning. "Good-bye, son. I can't hear yo' prayers to-night. I'll miss it myself. But if yo' dear motheh ain't too ti-ud maybe she'll hear 'em."

On his way down he discovered ample signs that the promiscuous lover, an hour or two before, had slowly, safely, and in the "skilfullest way" reached the arms of his most dangerous but dearest love; "cooned it every step," John said, talking to his horse as they trudged back toward Rosemont. "What the rattle-snakes couldn't do," he added, "the bottle-snake has done." Mr.

Roger was so accustomed to the companionship of Edward Watkins, who frequently joined the Club in their festivities and who often came to Rosemont to call on Miss Merriam, that the difference did not seem to him a cause of embarrassment.

I must read it again," and Dorothy gazed at the rocks around her as if she were really in Scotland. "Has anybody a knife?" asked Della's clear voice, bringing them all sharply back to America and Rosemont. "My aunt the one who has the hanging flowerpots I was telling you about isn't a bit well and I thought I'd make her a little fernery that she could look at as she lies in bed."

For my dear father's own sake I am glad, gladder than I can tell, that he has lost Rosemont. The loss may save him. But I'm glad, too, Mr. March, that it's come to you please hear me and to your mother. Of course I know your lost Widewood isn't all here; but so much of it is. I wish " March stopped her with a gesture. "I will not O I cannot hear any more! I'm ashamed to have let you say so much!

"We'll ask grandmother to let us have the car to go and get her; it's so much more fun than the train," proposed Ethel Brown. "Um, glorious." The attic rang with the Ethels' delight at which they looked back afterwards with some wonder. The Rosemont schools closed for the holidays at noon of the Wednesday before Christmas, so all the Mortons and Dorothy were free to avail themselves of Mrs.

Once in a while they went to Rosemont, but for the most part they were too languid to care to walk far and too glad of the change and the rest and quiet to want to weary themselves unnecessarily. The boys had built a platform across the back of the house, and it was here that they did their carpentry, an awning sheltering them from the sun or rain.

The light behind the sheet was moved close to the curtain while the table and chairs were set in place. When it went back to its proper spot there were seen the silhouettes of a group of men sitting around the table arguing earnestly. "This," said Helen, "is the Rosemont Board of Aldermen talking about the park." The argument grew excited.

When his glass was empty and his pipe burned out, he left a tip beside the ashtray, paid his check and went out. He had two hours until his meeting with Stephen Gresham; he knew exactly where to spend them. The county seat was a normal twenty minutes' drive from Rosemont, but with the road relatively free from traffic he was able to cut that to fifteen.