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The place has become in a measure classical, Kinneil House having been inhabited, since Dr. Roebuck's time, by Dugald Stewart, who there wrote his Philosophical Essays. When Dr. Roebuck began to sink for coal at the new mines, he found it necessary to erect pumping-machinery of the most powerful kind that could be contrived, in order to keep the mines clear of water.

For how would they get work if we didn't provide it for them?" "A miserable makeshift system," said I, harking back to Dunkirk and his blackmailing, for I was not just then in the mood to amuse myself with the contortions of Roebuck's flexible and fantastic "moral sense."

And we shall have Dominick, the ignorant brute, lashed on by Roebuck's appetites, until the people will rise in fury and elect the opposition, and you know what it is." "What you say is most interesting," said I, "but I confess I haven't imagination enough to conceive a condition of affairs in which anybody with 'the price' couldn't get what he wanted by paying for it.

I'll never forget Roebuck's expression; it was perfect, simply perfect a great and good man outraged beyond endurance, but a Christian still. "You have made it impossible for me to temper justice with mercy, Walters," said he. "If it were not for the long years of association, for the affection for you which has grown up in me, I should hand you over to the fate you have earned.

His business and his religion were Roebuck's two absorbing passions, religion rapidly predominating as he drew further away from sixty. "Why do you endure this blackmailing, Mr. Roebuck?" I asked. "He is growing steadily worse." "He is certainly more rapacious than he was ten years ago," Roebuck admitted.

All my "clients" and Dominick he at Roebuck's right. At Roebuck's left there was a vacant chair. "Shall I sit here?" said I easily. "That place was reserved was for but " stammered Roebuck. "For Granby's ghost?" said I pleasantly. His big lips writhed.

Lord John Russell, who was leader of the House, treated this as a vote of censure, and resigned. Lord Palmerston resisted Roebuck's motion, and generously defended the Government he was otherwise opposed to. But the motion was carried by a majority of 157, and Lord Aberdeen was turned out of office. The Queen sent for Lord Derby, but without Lord Palmerston he was unable to form a Ministry.

And Hart read: One thing is certain in our Northern land; Allow that birth, or valor, wealth, or wit, Give each precedence to their possessor, Envy, that follows on such eminence, As comes the lyme-hound on the roebuck's trace, Shall pull them down each one. "Yes," said Grant. "Love isn't mentioned. The fair Doris will be true. You're in luck, my boy.

At the beginning of last century, John Roebuck's father carried on the manufacture of cutlery at Sheffield, in the course of which he realized a competency. He intended his son to follow his own business, but the youth was irresistibly attracted to scientific pursuits, in which his father liberally encouraged him; and he was placed first under the care of Dr.

I had proof that in one year it had "written off" twelve millions of profit and loss, ten millions of which had found its way to Roebuck's pocket. That pocket! That "treasury of the Lord"! Dishonest?