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Don laughed, too; so that presently they became quite breathless but perfectly happy. "I vote," said Don, "that we consult the Aunt. She resides at Number Nineteen on this floor, and her guidance in such a matter as furnishing would be experienced and reliable." "Right-oh," replied Flamby buoyantly. "I have a little money saved up." "Don't worry about money.

Leaning out of the window he thrust a ten-shilling note into the cabman's hand. "Slow down, but don't pull up," he directed. "I am going to jump out just as you pass that lorry ahead. Ten yards further on stop. Get down and crank your engine, and then proceed slowly over the bridge. I shall not want you again." "Right-oh, sir," said the man, grinning broadly.

But I don't know that you'll find this spot very quiet once you start pooping off. This particular emplacement was spotted some two months ago by the wily Hun, and he got some direct hits on it with small stuff. Since then it hasn't been used. There are lots of others, you know." "I was ordered to come to this one," answered the boy doubtfully. "Right-oh! my dear fellow it's your funeral.

No more than fair." "Fair? Most certainly," croaked that battered convivialist. "Chantel can't object." He rose, and waddled down the path. Rudolph saw Chantel turn, frowning, then nod and smile. The nod was courteous, the smile full of satire. The fat ambassador returned. "Right-oh," he puffed, tugging from the baize cover a shining pair of bell-hilted swords. "Here, try 'em out."

"That's what you said, I think never to leave the emergency bed with anything on it?" "Right-oh!" said the Senior. "Though nothing ever happens back here does it? "It's about our turn; I'm looking for a burned case." The Probationer, putting the bandages into a basket, turned and stared.

"Right-oh," said Cairn calmly, and tossed his pouch across. "I want to talk to you about Ferrara." "Go ahead then. What is the matter with Ferrara?" "Well," replied Cairn, "he's queer." "That's no news," said Sime, filling his pipe; "we all know he's a queer chap. But he's popular with women. He'd make a fortune as a nerve specialist."

"Right-oh, old girl; jump into your things, and I'll wait on the mat. Any chance of the she-dragon coming back?" "No; she's gone out to tea." "More power to her," said Bob cheerfully. "And the dragon puppies?" "Oh, they're safely out of the way. I won't be five minutes, Bob. Don't shut the door tight you might disappear before I opened it." "Not much," said Bob, through the crack of the door.

"Yes, two blocks from the Bridge, and for a henpecked husband you got a large fat job on your hands if you want to make another getaway to-night. This man Hinshaw shows 'em right in his house." "Brooklyn, of all places!" "Right-oh!" He snapped his fingers in a series of rapid clicks. "Ain't that the limit?

An hour after I had read the report in the paper, Duperré rang me up. "I'm going to Overstow by the nine-thirty from King's Cross to-night," he said. "If you can join me, do. The air is better in Yorkshire than in London, don't you think so, old chap?" "Right-oh!" I replied. "I'll travel up with you." We met, and early next morning we were back at Overstow.

Stick to Triffitt, my son, and Triffitt'll see you all serene!" "Right-oh!" said Carver. "I'm on. Well, and what am I to do, first?" "Two things," responded Triffitt. "One of 'em's easy, and can be done at once. Get me diplomatically this man Burchill's, or Bentham's, present address. You know some Magnet chaps get it out of them.