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"`Then mine are for you to rig it down at once, cried the admiral, in a mighty fume, walking up and down and waving his arms about like a windmill backwards and forwards from his waistcoat pocket to his nose. `I won't have any screens fitted up on board my ship to keep out my sailors from seeing what they have as good a right to see and enjoy as any of those with whom they have fought and bled.

"Hard a-lee!" The helmsman ran the spokes over with no hint of gentling, and the Malahini darted prettily into the wind and about. "Jove! she's a witch!" was Mulhall's appreciation. "I didn't know you South Sea traders sailed yachts." "She was a Gloucester fisherman originally," Grief explained, "and the Gloucester boats are all yachts when it comes to build, rig, and sailing."

For the last ten years they've only known me clean-shaven or with a heavy beard, and this mustache and the rig will puzzle them a bit. Yes, I ought to pass for a foreign gent come across to back horses." The truth about Mr. Noah Hawkins, though it may shock the reader, must be told in plain words.

That was the voice of instinct, speaking with the tongue of Brom; and it is no easy task, for a merchant, to keep his dependants obedient to laws, which, in themselves, create so constant a temptation to break them. Well, well; we will always hope for the best, and endeavor to act like dutiful subjects. The boat is not amiss, as to form and rig, let her come from where she will.

"Then," he continued, "have yourself waked early, have your valet paint you and powder you and rouge you and fit you out with a wig like the head of hair you had before I made you impersonate Salinator, and with a false beard no one will suspect; have him rig you up in your favorite attire and load you with jewelry, then set off in my travelling-carriage for Baiae. Be out of Rome by sunrise.

Did yo' eber work fer a blacksmith?" "No, not exactly. Well, good-by, Eradicate. I'll look for you some day next week." With that Tom leaped on his machine and speeded off ahead of the colored man and his rig. As he passed the load of fence posts the youth heard Eradicate remark in awestricken tones: "Mah golly! He suttinly go laik de wind!

By voice and example, however, we presently contrived to steady them and get them under control; and then, while one gang was told off to convey the injured men below Dumaresq meanwhile hurrying away to summon the doctor, who was busily engaged in the cabin, endeavouring to soothe some of the lady passengers, who were in hysterics, the rest of the crew were set to work to rig the pumps, muster the buckets, and pass along the hose.

"Hear, hear, and well said!" shouted a multitude of voices. "An' I moves," cried Mrs Lynch, starting forward with both arms up and all her fingers rampant, "that " "No, no, mother," interrupted Buxley, "you must second the motion." "Howld yer tongue, ye dirty spalpeen! Isn't it the second motion that I'm puttin'? I moves that the committee is Mr Dumnik Rig Gundy an' Dr Marsh "

The livery stable was but a short distance away and they found the proprietor on hand, reading a newspaper and smoking his pipe. "It's a wonder you wouldn't have a rig over at the depot, to meet the main trains," grumbled Tom. "'Twouldn't pay," answered Neal Carson. "I tried it once, and earned two dollars and a half in two weeks. Folks that want me can come here for me."

We were to have salt-water fishing and fresh-water fishing, and shooting, and boating, and egg hunting, and shells and other curiosities were to be looked for on the seashore, and long walks were to be taken; and then we were to have bathing, and to learn to knot and splice, and to cut out and rig a ship; indeed, every moment of our time would be fully occupied.