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"And what's more, I can smell it from here." Oswald and Dicky drew near, and the refreshment-room smell was stronger than ever. And a brown corner of the keg was peeping out. "There you are!" cried the Loathed One. "Let's have that gentleman out, if you please, and then you'll all just come alonger me."

What would the two aunts have said, could they have seen Dolores and Constance, at that moment partaking of the most elaborate meal the Darminster refreshment-room could supply, at a little round marble table, in company with Mr. Flinders!

Rosenheim is a windy place, with clear starlight, with a multitude of cars on a multiplicity of tracks, and a large, lighted refreshment-room, which has a glowing, jolly stove. We stay there an hour, toasting by the fire and drinking excellent coffee. Groups of Germans are seated at tables playing cards, smoking, and taking coffee.

The lamp had gone out, and we found it rather difficult work dressing and packing in the cold and dark; but it was soon done, and a cup of hot coffee in the refreshment-room afterwards made us feel quite comfortable.

Off he started accordingly, and, arriving there in ample time, was able to eat a good breakfast of cold meat, hard-boiled eggs, and crackers all the solid contents of the refreshment-room before his train got in. He bought his ticket, stepped on board, flung himself into a seat, and left all behind him.

Finally, we ate some cakes and buns in the refreshment-room connected with the ticket-office, and then left the fortress. The ancient moat, by the way, has been drained within a few years, and now forms a great hollow space, with grassy banks, round about the citadel.

"They cannot find their booth," said another. "That is the case," said Mr. Peterkin, relieved to have it stated. "Perhaps you had better pass into the corridor," said a polite marshal. They did this, and, walking across, found themselves in the refreshment-room. "This is the booth for us," said Mr. Peterkin. "Indeed it is," said Mrs. Peterkin, sinking into a chair, exhausted.

In the first place there was some music; then tables were placed all about for all kinds of gambling; there was a 'lansquenet'; at which Monsieur and Monseigneur always played; also a billiard-table; in a word, every one was free to play with every one, and allowed to ask for fresh tables as all the others were occupied. Beyond the billiards was a refreshment-room. All was perfectly lighted.

Nevertheless she paused on her way to the door for further details. "All right. I didn't," said Ralph complacently. "And Sir Giles didn't get drunk as a lord and tumble about the ballroom, and yell comic awfully comic songs, till someone hauled him off to the refreshment-room and filled him up with whiskey till he could sing no more!" "Oh, Ralph! Not really! How utterly beastly!

They had been observed together, both in London and the country at race-meetings and theatres; and a brawl in the Dunscombe refreshment-room, late at night, in which Birch had been involved, brought out the scandalous fact that Miss Merton was in his company. Birch was certainly not sober, and it was said by the police that Miss Merton also had had more port wine than was good for her.