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He even mentioned the exact number of recruits who had joined Waverley's troop from his uncle's estate, and observed they were PRETTY MEN, meaning, not handsome, but stout warlike fellows.

The Prince's army was daily augmented by recruits from the neighbouring towns; and he was able for some months to maintain a petty warfare with success. At length Count Pappenheim, having brought his expedition against the Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg to a close, approached the town.

With a great deal of difficulty, and after hours of delay, we managed to get under way with two boats besides the original one; and, after an hour and a half's paddling in the laziest manner possible, the men seized two pots of pombe and pulled in to Koki, guided by a king's messenger, who said this was one of the places appointed by order to pick up recruits for the force which was to take us to Gani.

"You sing, you are happy," he said to Ned, although he meant them all. "It is well. You of the north bear misfortune well." "We do the best we can wherever we are," replied young Fulton, dryly. "The saints themselves could do no more," said the Mexican. Urrea was speaking in English, and his manner was so friendly and gentle that the recruits crowded around him. "When are we to be released?

The cloud over the place where the slaughtered recruits lay thickened, but the Mexicans never ceased to fire into it with their rifles and muskets. The crackling of the weapons beat incessantly upon the drums of his ears. Mingled with it were the cries and groans of the victims, now fast growing fewer. But it was all a blurred and red vision to Ned.

Petherton's not gone, is he?" she asked in her turn of Mitchy. But again before he could speak it was taken up. "Mitchy's silent, Mitchy's altered, Mitchy's queer!" Mrs. Brook proclaimed, while the new recruits to the circle, Tishy and Nanda and Mr.

"What sort of men have you got? Raw militia lads, young recruits, and newly raised dragoons form at least half of your force in Stafford." "Agreed," said Sir Ralph, "but we're rapidly licking 'em into shape, and the Duke will be after us to-morrow with the regulars."

The stage was a piece of earth, purple brown with pine needles. Two huge fires, one at either side, made a strong, copper-red illumination. The soldier audience sat in a deep semicircle, and sat at ease, being accustomed by now to the posture of tailor or Turk. Only recruits sought logs or stones upon which to sit. Tobacco smoke rose like incense. The chief musician "sounded on the bugle horn."

Biologists and physicists and mathematicians, those are our best recruits, you may depend upon it. We need logic, not mere gas. Our French friends and our Irish friends I have nothing in the world to say against them; they are useful men, ardent men, full of fire, full of enthusiasm, ready to do and dare anything but they lack ballast. You can't take the kingdom of heaven by storm.

Nobody in the house has mentioned the circumstance of finding them, though I have been downstairs full half-an-hour. One or two recruits will be their first fruit, I predict; and who shall say how many more, with Heaven's blessing on your inspired exertions! 'It was a famous device in the beginning, replied Lord George; 'an excellent device, and did good service in Scotland.