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Quoi quisque fere studio devinctus adhaeret Aut quibus i rebus multum sumus ante morati Atque in quo ratione fuit contenta magis mens, In somnis cadem plerumque videmur obire. LUCR., iv. 959. What studies please, what most delight, And fill men's thoughts, they dream them o'er at night.

Otherwise you won't read mine Ambarvalia, at any rate at all. Quo usque? But when the books arrive, my father writes to his sister with affectionate welcome indeed of the Poems by A, but with enthusiasm of the "Bothie." It greatly surpasses my expectations! It is on the whole a noble poem, well held together, clear, full of purpose, and full of promise.

The meeting vividly recalled the ball, the terminus a quo indeed from which the meditation in which he had been plunged since entering the park had started. Between six and seven weeks ago, was it? It might have been a century. He thought of Kitty as she was that night Kitty pirouetting in her glittering dress, or bending over the boy, or holding her face to his as he kissed her on the stairs.

Carthage, Rome, Greece, Phoenicia their colonies, art and trade stuffs, their foods, pleasures and worships how he raved! A book like Thaïs, Salammbo, Sonica, Quo Vadis, touched him to the quick. At the same time, and odd as it may seem, he was seemingly in intimate contact with a circle of friends that rather astonished me by its catholicity.

That has been the status quo for many years here. Suppose suppose, my friend, that they manufacture their own opportunity, or agree with some other body of malcontents as to the creating of an opportunity." "Anarchy?" inquired Cartoner. "The ladies of the party call it Nihilism," replied the Frenchman, with an inimitable gesture, conveying the fact that he was not the man to gainsay a lady.

Then the Cabinet, seeing that after Prevost's retreat they could no longer claim the territory outlined in the first instructions, authorized the negotiators to demand only Mackinac and Niagara, with a right of way across Maine. The Americans, encouraged by the news from Plattsburg, replied on October 23, refusing to treat on the uti possedetis, or on any terms but the status quo ante.

We were no longer afraid of each other. A day or two after this conversation an opportunity was given to me of going up the river, which I did not neglect; and having delivered up charge of the ship, I hastened down to Greenwich. I found everything in statu quo at my mother's house, and Virginia much pleased at there being no lodgers. Anderson I met walking with Ben the Whaler and my father.

In a very real sense any invention, discovery or innovation in any field of human thought or action, if widely accepted or adopted automatically, becomes a revolt against the status quo.

'Well, you are the monk for me, said I. 'And you are the crossbowman for me, quo' he. 'And I'll be bound you could tell us tales of the war should make our hair stand on end. 'Excusez! the barber has put that out of the question, quoth I, and then I had the laugh." "What wretched ribaldry!" observed Gerard pensively.

What will it be in fifty years at the end of the century? What will the offspring of these quivering, twitching, highly strung men and women be like? Quo vadis, Americane? Already there are antidotes or remedies for this growing evil sanatoria where the worn-out over-worked are compelled to seek refuge, asylums of repose for those who have long lost the art of enjoying it.