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For he was still as ever the very quintessence of pride. Well for him his wife had not that quality yet perhaps she loved him all the better for possessing it. At the gate of the Hermitage Harold paused. Neither of them had seen the place since they last stood there. At the remembrance he seemed greatly moved. His wife looked lovingly up to him. "Harold, are you content?

He knelt down before her and kissed her dress and her hands. "I love you boundlessly," he said with panting breath; "you are to me the quintessence of all happiness, virtue, and beauty. I shall love you to the last hour of my life!"

"Bread," says he, "dear brothers, is the staff of life, in which bread is contained inclusive the quintessence of beef, mutton, veal, venison, partridge, plum-pudding, and custard, and to render all complete, there is intermingled a due quantity of water, whose crudities are also corrected by yeast or barm, through which means it becomes a wholesome fermented liquor, diffused through the mass of the bread."

"Say! come to have your pictures took?" bawled the first merry fellow, as the height of sarcasm and quintessence of a joke. "Look a' here, major," almost wept poor Captain Pharo, "how in thunder 'd they find that out?" "Never mind," said I; "we're going up to the hotel, and we'll have a better dinner than they ever dreamed of." "Afore I'm took to the dagarrier's?" "Yes, indeed."

So it came to me, uttered across the heads of the stocks and jasmines, pungent and cool as the drops which fell from the green watering-pipe; impregnating and irradiating the zone of pure air through which it had passed, which it set apart and isolated from all other air, with the mystery of the life of her whom its syllables designated to the happy creatures that lived and walked and travelled in her company; unfolding through the arch of the pink hawthorn, which opened at the height of my shoulder, the quintessence of their familiarity so exquisitely painful to myself with her, and with all that unknown world of her existence, into which I should never penetrate.

"You used to talk and laugh with Van Horn," he complained, jealously. "When I came around, I couldn't drag a smile out of you with a lariat." "You're getting a smile now that he isn't getting, aren't you?" "Somehow you never acted natural with me." "Jim!" It was the word he most wanted to hear, even if the reproach implied the quintessence of stupidity.

Socialism is an intellectual Proteus, but to the men of my generation it came as the revolt of the workers. Hatherleigh was the leading exponent of the new doctrines in Trinity, and the figure upon his wall of a huge-muscled, black-haired toiler swaggering sledgehammer in hand across a revolutionary barricade, seemed the quintessence of what he had to expound.

We had been refitting and amusing ourselves on shore by dancing at dignity balls given by the upper-class copper-coloured washerwomen, who are the quintessence of perfection in affectation, when we were obliged to bid adieu to these interesting copper and coal-skinned ladies, as the ship was reported ready for sea, and the following morning we weighed and stood out of the harbour.

Carville has secreted it, distilled it to a quintessence, and the result is well, something in his tone and manner quite unusual." "Yes, that's all right enough," assented Mac, "but I still don't quite see how his brother couples-up with that chap Cecil wrote about." "Well, I don't either," I replied, "but you must remember that Mr. Carville has told us so far only of the past.

As a man, she would have been considered the essence of vulgarity; as a woman, she was the quintessence: so much so, that she had arrived at the age of thirty-six without having, notwithstanding her property, received any attentions which could be construed into an offer.