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Two years passed away the Mustang Valley settlement advanced prosperously, despite one or two attacks made upon it by the savages, who were, however, firmly repelled; Dick Varley had now become a man, and his pup Crusoe had become a full-grown dog.

Wanting to see something happen, and realizing from the build of the sea-lion that he could not make much progress on land, Colin threw a stone at a pup sea-lion who was asleep on a rock close by. But the boy was utterly unprepared for the result, for no sooner did the huge sea-lion realize his advance as he strode forward to throw the stone, than it was smitten with panic.

Before he let her go, the little dog's coat was wet with more than rain, but Randy was not ashamed of the tears in his eyes as he faced the others. "I've had her from a pup she's a faithful beast. Hello, there they come. Gee, Jefferson, but you've grown! You are almost as big as your name." Jefferson was the negro boy who drove the horses. There was a great splashing of red mud as he drew up.

Don't you remember the night I held you? Don't you remember that, Sandy?" The dog looked up at him moistening its own dry mouth. In every detail this was the same dog he had held upon his knee while arguing with Barstow. He made another test. "Mike," he called. In response the pup wagged his tail good naturedly and with more confidence now. Donaldson caught his breath.

But it was not part of Nature's plan that any of the bloodhound mother's energies should be wasted over the weakling of her little brood. The race is to the swift in Nature's scheme. The black-and-gray pup always secured the most warmth because he burrowed forcibly under his brothers and sisters.

On striking the corner of the paddock, I went through a gate, and was closing and securing it behind Bunyip and Pup, when I became aware of a stout-built, blackbearded man on a fat bay horse, approaching along the inside of the fence. "Rory?" said I inquiringly. "Well-to-be-shure!

Green," says I, "you having been a friend of mine once, I have some hesitations in confessing to you that if I had my choice for society between you and a common yellow, three-legged cur pup, one of the inmates of this here cabin would be wagging a tail just at present." This way we goes on for two or three days, and then we quits speaking to one another.

I saw a tall man with a bunch of whiskers on his face flying across the lot pursued by a black-and-tan pup, which snapped eagerly at the man's heels and seemed determined to eat him up if ever the runner stopped long enough. I felt in my bones that the one in the lead was Bunch, and I sighed deeply and went back to bed.

"He's mebbe all right, but he's homely as Aunt Marier comin' through the thrashin'-machine," decided the teamster. The carpenter added: "He's so all-fired awkward he can't keep step with hisself." "Wal, he ain't so rank in his judgment as some I could indicate," drawled Jim, prepared to defend both pup and foundling to the last extent.

Leaning on the neck of his horse, the old man muttered "Where is my pup? Where is it Hector where is it, dog?" The hound caught the well-known sounds, and answered by a whine of friendship, which threatened to break out into one of his piercing howls.