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It is true, I believe, in Great Britain, and also in France, that there are two separate publics; that the readers who purchase from the news stands are often as completely unaware of literary books for literary people as if these bore the imprint of the moon. But even in England the distinction is by no means sharp; and in America it is not a question of distinctions at all, but of gradations.

But if it teaches them to keep out o' the publics, it will be good for their wives some day." "It will that," put in another earnestly; "my! how feyther did beat mother last night; he were as drunk as could be, and he went on awful." "I think sometimes men are worse nor beasts," another said.

He assured me, however, that the practice of astrology was as rife as ever in London at this moment, and that businesses in that line were bought and sold for sterling coin of the realm, just as though they had been "corner" publics, or "snug concerns" in the cheesemongery line.

We're on duty, and it's yours as an ex-Navy man to help. Where are the fishermen? There seem to be none hanging about the cliff." "I d'know, your honour; up at the publics, p'raps, in the town." "There's a party of smugglers here to-night?" "Is there, sir? Running a cargo?" "You know they are." "That I don't, your honour. I haven't seen one."

These two publics for the humorist we may call the invited and the uninvited; the inner circle and the outer circle: first, those who have tickets for the garden party, and who stroll over the lawn, decorously gowned and properly coated, conversing with one another in the accepted social accents and employing the recognized social adjectives; and second, the crowd outside the gates, curious, satirical, good-natured in the main, straightforward of speech and quick to applaud a ready wit or a humor-loving eye or a telling phrase spoken straight from the heart of the mob.

There are no publics, no shebeen houses, no grog-shops. Sobriety is an enforced virtue; and so much is this considered by the masters, and understood by the men, that very little contraband work is done in the way of taking up spirits to these settlements. It may be said that the work up in the forests is done with the assistance of no stronger drink than tea; and it is very hard work.

The more extravagant expectations as to Reparation receipts, by which Finance Ministers have deceived their publics, will be heard of no more when they have served their immediate purpose of postponing the hour of taxation and retrenchment.

It is fickle, of course, as are all publics, but fickle only toward the man who cannot maintain an achieved success. A man in America cannot complacently lean back upon victories won, as he can in the older European countries, and depend upon the glamour of the past to sustain him or the momentum of success to carry him.

We have, however, broken much new ground, whereas until the last three or four hundred years it almost seems either as if artists had thought subject a detail beneath their notice, or publics had insisted on being told only what they knew already.

"Where does your mistress live, little girl?" enquired Vanslyperken, who immediately anticipated the portrait of the fair widow set in diamonds. "She lives in one of the publics on the hard, sir, on the first floor, while she is furnishing her lodgings." "One of the publics on the hard; well, my little girl, I will go with you."