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In mental diseases the prognosis of a psychosis is not looked upon so gravely when the patient has some realization of his situation, and likewise the recovery from a mental infirmity is more hopeful when the patient exhibits considerable insight into his condition.

It is true that responsibility may and should be evaded when the psychosis is full-blown; but how about the innumerable cases of incipient psychotic disturbance which grade over into the "mental conflicts?" In harmony with this diffidence is the repeated hope for aid from the Abderhalden. or some similar reaction.

A sharp word would, however, bring him to reality and normal behavior and speech, or the same result could be obtained by his own volition. In fact sufficient effort from either without or within could, it was several times demonstrated, postpone the further development of these symptoms for several days. Inevitably, however, control over his psychosis was lost.

In general, then, her ideas were, on the whole, not at all typical of stupor but much more like those met with in other manic-depressive conditions. Correlated with this was an unusual mood picture. Quietness and apparent apathy of the patient were interrupted by little bursts of emotion, and throughout the psychosis there was a coloring of perplexity.

In his psychosis he succeeded in fulfilling the wish of the Persian enemy of reality: "Ah, Love, could you and I with Him conspire To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, Would we not shatter it to bits and then Remould it nearer to the heart's desire."

At times the factors producing it are mainly environmental; at others, the problem is essentially of the patient’s own making. Of course almost any type of functional psychosis may emerge from such a state of dissatisfaction, but it is important to note that unlike manic states, for instance, stupors invariably develop from a situation of unhappiness.

The family and the patient were annoyed at this, and the patient is said to have worried about it, but was otherwise quite natural until seven days before admission. Then, at the engagement dinner of the brother, the psychosis broke out. She refused to sit down to the table, and then suddenly began to sing and dance, cry and laugh and talk in a disconnected manner.

Later on, he explains, the case was diagnosed as one of "epileptic psychosis" because the subject developed convulsions, although there is no evidence, or even claim, presented that the lying was an equivalent, or in any way correlated with the epilepsy except as a coincidence! Such faults in a book of this sort are serious but only in so far as the work is theoretical.

She gave the month correctly knew that she was in a hospital and told of having recently been visited by her father. At the same interview she spoke of masturbation, of wanting to marry her uncle, and of having been in bed with her father. The last she referred to as a “fall.” Such frank incest ideas are never found in benign psychosis in our experience.

To simply assert that he was an epileptic does not explain these symptoms. For epileptics cannot throw a fit at will. However, we know that ten per cent of epileptics develop mental diseases, no particular psychosis but a loss of mental and moral sense. There are two types of individuals who can produce seizures such as Mohammed was wont to evoke at will.