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But with practice, though the various steps of the neurosis remain for otherwise the impression on the retina would not result in the loosing of the dog the great majority of the steps of the psychosis vanish, and the loosing of the dog follows unconsciously, or as we say, without thinking about it, upon the sight of the hare.

Probably the most unique part of the whole European Flap was the fact that the Iron Curtain countries were having their own private flap. The first indications came in October 1954, when Rumanian newspapers blamed the United States for launching a drive to induce a "flying saucer psychosis" in their country.

The stupors recovered more quickly. He describes the psychosis thus: The prisoner becomes rather suddenly excited, destructive and assaultive; then soon passes into an inactive state, where he lies in bed, mute, with open expressionless eyes. He is clean, however; eats spontaneously and attends to his own hygienic needs.

These conditions really constitute a different psychosis in the manic-depressive group, essentially they are perplexity states such as have recently been described by Hoch and Kirby. Not infrequently we see exhibitions of this tendency in what are otherwise typical stupors. At the same time she looked dazed or dreamy.

In the same house livedHarry.” After the work she used to talk to him in the yard and, after she left, she used to think of him and long for him. But she denied, with a very natural attitude, that she worried about him at the beginning of her psychosis. After the position in the Bronx she went to one on 96th St., where she was for four months.

"He may effect a cure of his nonexistent Martian psychosis. But to cure something that is not there is, in effect, to erect a gratuitous delusional system. You might say that the machine would work in reverse, producing psychosis instead of removing it." Mr. Follansby groaned and leaned against a Bell Psychosomatica.

"Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of," Atmananda said, holding out the pills. "You'd be surprised how many people experience some form of neurosis or psychosis. I have a cousin who took anti-psychotic drugs for years. Now he flies F-14's for the military." The conflict sparked and it flickered and then disappeared. My mind became still. I reached for the pills.

Holden resisted for the fraction of a second, and Cochrane gripped his arm tighter. He got him up to the deck above. "If I'd been here," said Holden, unsteadily, "I'd have killed him if he hit Alicia! Psychopath or no psychopath " "Shut up," said Cochrane firmly. "He shot at me! And in my small way I'm a psychopath too, Bill. My psychosis is that I don't like his kind of psychosis.

She was more attached to her mother than to her father, but still more to her older sister, whose death precipitated her psychosis. She never had any love affair and was said not to have cared for men. Two months before admission, when her favorite sister was confined, the patient was quite worried about her, but relieved when she heard good news.

I'd borrowed Muller's keys and inspected the engine room from, top to bottom the night before, but I didn't mention that. I hesitated now; to a man who grew up to be an engineer and who'd now gotten over his psychosis against space too late to start over, the engines were things better left alone. Then I remembered that I hadn't seen Wilcox's quarters, since he had the only key to them.