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Updated: December 31, 2024
Madame de Treymes, who had moved toward the door, paused at this and faced him, resting her thin brown hands on a slender sofa-back. "How do you propose to show that sense?" she enquired. Durham coloured still more deeply: he saw that she was determined to save her pride by making what he had to say of the utmost difficulty.
Apparently all his wishes were to be fulfilled. Would it not perhaps be best to propose at once for the hand of Mariechen? Was not this just the right moment, after receiving such a conspicuous proof of Falkenhein's esteem and goodwill? But finally a piece of pure punctilio prevented him from carrying out his intentions.
Still keeping her eyes upon him, she went on: "I haven't asked him yet, and so I don't know whether or not he'll consent, but I think it possible that he may come to see me this afternoon, and if he does we can propose it to him together and go over things a little." Judge Pike recovered his voice. "He'll get a warm welcome," he promised, huskily, "if he sets foot on my premises!"
To insult her with his talk of pacifism, and then, heedless of her intensity, to propose to her! She could not forgive him for that. She was glad her words had stung him! Minutes passed. The fire would not answer to any attention, but sulkily lived out its little hour. The evening seemed interminable.
"We are talking about poor Dartmoor, Lord Henry," cried the duchess, nodding pleasantly to him across the table. "Do you think he will really marry this fascinating young person?" "I believe she has made up her mind to propose to him, Duchess." "How dreadful!" exclaimed Lady Agatha. "Really, some one should interfere."
No, sir, it is my opinion that our only safety lies out there in the open, at least for the rest of the afternoon and the night." "What, ride out there to be shot up again?" demanded Stacy. "No, sir, not for Stacy Brown! I've been shot up once. I don't propose to make a bull's-eye of myself again." "Stacy is right, boys. It would be foolishness to follow such a course and "
Perhaps another man, surrounded by seductions, attacks, and advances of all kinds, would have resisted these temptations still less. Nevertheless, please God, I do not propose to defend his Majesty in this respect.
"But now suppose that the Supreme Council rejects your three conditions a probable contingency what course do you propose to take?" "In that case our action would be swayed by events, one of which is the hostility of the Ruthenians, which would necessitate measures of self-defense and the use of our army. And that would bring back the whole issue to the point where it stands to-day."
But the girl's charm and appeal held good; she was looking at him trustfully and expectantly, and he surrendered. He set his glasses straight with a fumbling hand and resumed his countenance of friendly and helpful interest. "Then, you propose to, er, seek employment here in Nikolaieff," he inquired. "Yes," she answered serenely.
"That was the answer which my brother and his wife gave to the Duca della Spina," he replied coldly. "Yes," said Taquisara. "I know it was. That is the reason why I have come to you, directly, as Gianluca's friend." "Does Don Gianluca propose to call me out, because he cannot marry Donna Veronica?" asked Bosio, in surprise, and in a tone which showed that he was already offended. "No.
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