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But the name had it any significance, or was it a grim coincidence, that spoke even more terribly and hopelessly of the woman's promiscuous frailty? He again attacked the entire report, but there was no other record of her name. Even that would have passed any eye less eager and watchful than his own. He laid the reports aside, and took up the proof-slip again.

Find out the proper days to suit their want of matter, and never send in your notes when the paper is overcrowded. Always read a proof-slip of each article; time spent in going to a newspaper office to correct proof is well spent, for misprints always await the unwary who trusts to the accuracy of types.

The ruse she had employed was culpable. The other thing would be infamous. And he would be sure to see that the end of the proof-slip had been pasted on. She slept jerkily, rose headachy, and set out for the Convalescent Hospital in that stage of penitence that immediately precedes hysterical breakdown.

With one hand gripping its back, the other still grasping a proof-slip, and his pencil in his mouth, he stared at the intruder. The stranger, despite his hesitating entrance, did not seem in the least disconcerted.

"I only got back from San Francisco this morning; but Mr. Slate said I was to give you that, and if it satisfied you, and was what you wanted, you would send it back to him." Paul took the envelope and opened it. It contained a printer's proof-slip, which he hurriedly glanced over. It read as follows:

He handed a proof-slip to the merchant, and Henry saw Witherspoon's face darken as he read it. The next moment the great merchant stormed: "There isn't a word of truth in it. It is an infamous lie from start to finish." "I told him I didn't think it was true," said the young man, "but he talked as if he believed it; remarked that you never advertised with him anyway." "Advertise with him!

Breeze saw at a glance that the paragraph alluded to was not of his own writing, but one of several news items furnished by reporters. These had been "set up" in the same "galley," and consequently appeared in the same proof-slip. He was about to say curtly that neither the matter nor the correction was his, when something odd in the correction of the item struck him. It read as follows:

Perhaps he might have acquired some information from Yerba; the young girl might have given to his age that confidence she had withheld from the younger man; indeed, he remembered with a flush it was partly in that hope he had induced the colonel to go to Santa Clara. He put the proof-slip in his pocket and stepped to the door of the next room. "You need not write that letter to Slate, Tony.

"But don't say anything about it at home, for it really amounts to nothing." He tore the proof-slip into small fragments and threw them into the spittoon. "What is it all about?" Henry asked. "Oh, it's the foulest of fabrication. About a year ago there came a widow from Washington with a letter from one of our friends, and asked for a position in the store.

"You go back to your editor and tell him that I will put in a column for one year. Wait. Has anybody seen this?" he added, holding up the proof-slip. "Nobody, sir, and I will have the type distributed as soon as I get back." "See that you do. Tell Brooks; he will send you the copy. Now get out. Infamous scoundrel!" he said when the fellow was gone.