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While the banker was relating the steps by which she had become an heiress, she was seeing the face of the liveryman and that of the probate judge, who had first taken an active part in her destiny and turned it into its present smooth course.... "So," Mr.

Remember, Bill, the man who buys your timber will have to log it through my land and I'm not going to log that quarter-section in the valley. Hence there will be no outlet for your timber in back." "Not going to log it? Why, what are you going to do with it?" "I'm just going to let it stay there until I die. When my will is filed for probate, your curiosity will be satisfied but not until then."

The supreme court shall hold at least one term annually at the seat of government, and at such other places as the legislature may provide. A circuit court is to be held at least twice a year in each county. A judge of probate is chosen in each county for two years; but the office may be abolished, and probate powers conferred on inferior county courts.

He was bound to administer the antiquated and curious system of laws concerning the bequest of property with a serious sense of their sacredness whether he felt it or not. They seemed to be an essential part of the crazy structure of society that must not be questioned, least of all by a probate judge!

"I'll see that both of you get a chance to answer questions elsewhere under oath. Good evening." He turned and left. He had the best of it all around. I endeavored for some time to get before Worth the dangers of his high-handed defiance of law, order, probate judges, and the court's officers, in the person of Allen G. Cummings, attorney and his father's executor.

Proctors, it will be borne in mind, are sketched by Charles Dickens in the opening pages of David Copperfield, for Dora's papa, Mr. Spenlow, was in proctorial partnership with the reputably inexorable Jawkins. When the Probate Act came into force it was a frightful blow to the tribe of Spenlows. Not so much on account of the pecuniary loss.

"Because if you do, you can go to the probate office, and submit the will to any judge of my uncle's handwriting." "There will be no occasion. I admit that the will was written by him." "What do you mean, then?" asked Stephen Ray, showing relief. "I mean this that it was not his last will and testament." "Where is the later one? Produce it if you can," said Stephen Ray, triumphantly.

Every object served to mark the residence of a rich, aristocratic gentleman, who held himself high above the common people, and could have nothing to fear from them. In a corner of the room, thrown carelessly upon a chair, were the scarlet robes of the chief justice. This high office, as well as those of lieutenant-governor, counsellor, and judge of probate, was filled by Hutchinson.

Uncle George, how soon can I have it?" "We must go through the Probate Court," he began, but his wife interrupted "Ways and means will be forthcoming, my dear, though for my part I think it would be much better taste in Mrs. Brownlow to put you in possession at once." "Mr. Wakefield explained, my dear," said her husband, "that, much as Mrs. Brownlow wishes to do so, she cannot; she has no power.

"Now," said Bart, "I will read from this probate record, already put in evidence, but not read," and he opened and read from the record of the Court, begun and held in the court house at Chardon, for the county of Geauga, commencing April 17, 1818, the appointment of an administrator on the estate of "Hiram Fowler, late deceased, of the township of Newbury, in said county," and closed the book with a clap.