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The Southern farmer was consequently becoming desperate and was threatening revolt against the established order. While Southern delegates joined the Western Alliance in the organization of the People's party in 1891 and 1892, the majority of the members in the South chose an easier way of attaining their object: they entered the Democratic primaries and conventions and captured them.

Ames, who had been a Democrat, now found it convenient to become a Republican. The new law, like most of the early primary laws, permitted members of one party to vote in the primaries of the other party.

If there is any rain at all this winter, we'll have a bonanza year, and just at this very moment when we've got our chance a chance to pay off our mortgages and get clear of debt and make a strike here is Shelgrim making a deal to cinch us and put up rates. And now here's the primaries coming off and a new Railroad Commission going in. That's why Shelgrim chose this time to make his deal.

He added the hope that so far as possible the people might be given the chance, through direct primaries, to record their wish as to who should be the nominee.

It was understood to mean a hard fight, and even the most sturdy Republican was inclined to fear that the present incumbent of the office would be elected to succeed himself. So the primaries were held and Kenneth attended and made a speech, and was warmly applauded.

"Now it was only Wednesday that a duck in this town knocked me out at the primaries played the identical West Side car-barn game on me! Yes, sir, fetched over 500 street-sweepers to my primaries machine candidate and all that oh! he's a jim-dandy!" "I'm sorry for you, Corkey," the wretched husband says, and thus escapes for a moment from his own terror. "Yes, it was bad medicine.

To him comes Harpwood, and finds the great contractor, the promoter of the outer docks, the park commissioners, and a half-dozen other great men already on the ground. "Harpwood," says the boss, "I am out of politics, particularly in your district. Yet, if you can carry the primaries, I could help you considerably. Carry the primaries, me boy, and I'll talk with you further. See you again.

Nolan concluded in 1895 that it still retains appreciable efficacy in the several domains of the outer planets. The moons of Jupiter and Saturn are, by his calculations, in course of sensible retreat, under compulsion of the perennial ripples raised by them on the surfaces of their gigantic primaries. He thus connects the interior position of the fifth Jovian satellite with its small mass.

It must be explained that the caucuses, or primaries, had been held in the various towns of the State at odd dates, and that the delegates pledged for the different candidates had been published in the newspapers from time to time although very much in accordance with the desires of their individual newspapers. Mr.

When he flies the light shows through his wings in two long narrow slits, where a pair of primaries are lacking. It is a wise provision of Nature which regulates the moulting sequence of his flight feathers, so that only a pair shall fall out at one time, and the adjoining pair not before the new feathers are large and strong.