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He had previously, however, the unpleasing task of acquainting Richard Middlemas with the mysterious circumstances attending his birth, of which he presumed him to be entirely ignorant, simply because he himself had never communicated them, but had let the boy consider himself as the orphan child of a distant relation.

"I expected you to come to me first, Corp," said Tommy, reproachfully. "I had scarcely a word with you at the station." "He couldna hae presumed," replied Gavinia, primly. "I couldna hae presumed," said Corp, with a groan. "Fudge!" Tommy said. "You were my greatest friend, and I like you as much as ever, Corp."

"Perhaps you may do so without dreaming," said Clary, as unconsciously she gave back the weight to her hand. "No; I know very well the sort of girl that makes me spoony." This was not very encouraging to poor Clary, but still she presumed that he meant to imply that she herself was a girl of the sort that so acted upon him. And the conversation went on in this way throughout the walk.

You may kiss the toe of his Holiness, and humbly ask penance for the rest of your mortal life for having presumed to be a Protestant missionary's wife, and carried the Bible to the dying heathen." "The subject is too serious for any such nonsense," remarked the wife, gravely. "The question is how to convert the heathen.

It can hardly be presumed that the spirit of Russian generalship has completely changed since the defeats in Manchuria, and that striking personalities have come on the stage. This army must therefore always be met with a bold policy of attack.

"This day, according to our information, gives a husband to your elder sister, and consummates, it is to be presumed, her fondest desires. The dawn with us is bright, and propitious, I hope, of her future happiness, for a full measure of which she and Mr. Law have my earnest wishes.

"So I presumed," he answered, wondering if drink or love or both together had produced so extreme an agitation. "Well, I wasn't," declared Will, and, placing the lantern on the floor, he raised his head to meet the other's look. "I was as dead in earnest as I am this minute and if it's the last word I ever speak, I mean to marry Molly Peterkin."

This, as may be presumed, had its desired effect, and Marie Antoinette was ever afterwards allowed free access at least to one of her apartments, and leave to perform that in private which few individuals except Princesses do with parade and publicity. "These things, however, planted the seeds of rancour against Marie Antoinette, which Madame de Noailles carried with her to the grave.

One afternoon, when, on his way home after an unusually lengthy walk, he stopped at the post office, he found that the Phipps' mail had already been delivered. "Zach Bloomer stopped along in and took it," explained Miss Tamson Black, the postmaster's sister-in-law. "I told him I presumed likely you'd be here after it yourself pretty soon, but it didn't make no difference.

If there be anything which a person of even moderate accomplishments may be presumed to know, it is Italy. The only open question left seems to be, whether Shakespeare were the only man that could write his name who had never been there.