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It prefers a dry, warm soil of a sandy or chalky nature, and may readily be increased from cuttings or suckers, the latter being freely produced. Hard cutting back when full size has been attained would seem to throw fresh vigour into the Amorpha, and the flowering is greatly enhanced by such a mode of treatment. A native of Carolina, and perfectly hardy in most parts of the country.

Carbolic I-30, Platt's chlorides, permanganate of potash, or something that will answer the purpose; bichloride of mercury, etc. You must find out from the physician which he prefers, and of what strength.

"Their god," continued Sanchez, "is the same as that of the Mexican Aztecs; for these people are of that race, it is believed. I don't know much about that, though I've heard men talk of it. He is called by a queer, hard name. Carrai! I don't remember it." "Quetzalcoatl?" "Caval! that's the word. Pues, senores; he is a fire-god, and fond of human flesh; prefers it roasted, so they say.

Religion shortens everything. Religion shortens even eternity. Where science, submitting to the false standard of time, sees evolution, which is slow, religion sees creation, which is sudden. Philosophically speaking, the process is neither slow nor quick since we have nothing to compare it with. Religion prefers to think of it as quick. For religion the flowers shoot up suddenly like rockets.

There is a deal too much hard work about it for him. He soon gives up trying it at all, and prefers to eke out an uncertain existence by sponging upon good-natured old Irish women and generous but weak-minded young artisans who have left their native village to follow him and enjoy the advantage of his company and conversation.

Tita runs her eye down the card. "Yes, this dance is yours," says she, looking up at Tom. "If you would prefer to dance it with Sir Maurice " begins he. He is looking at her. His heart feels on fire. Will she elect to dance with this husband, who, as report goes, so openly prefers another? "No, no, no!" cries Tita gaily; "I have promised you. Maurice can ask me for another later on."

I preferred the inside, of course, but I should have had to take it anyhow, because the mule prefers the outside. A mule's preference on a precipice is a thing to be respected. Well, his choice is always the outside.

"After being a year without spirits, Jerry, Tom, and I have agreed to keep without them. We wouldn't say no to you when you asked us to take a drink, and we have not sworn off, but Jerry and I have agreed that we have both been all the better without them, and mean to keep to it; and as for Tom, he prefers coffee." "Do as you please," Pete said; "I am always glad to hear men say no.

"Lord L'Estrange says that you were very young when you left Italy; you remember it well. He, too, prefers Italy to England." "He! Impossible!" "Why impossible, fair sceptic?" cried Harley, interrupting himself in the midst of a speech to Jemima. Violante had not dreamed that she could be overheard she was speaking low; but, though visibly embarrassed, she answered distinctly,

The claims of justice being thus satisfied and the majesty of the law fully vindicated, the deceased crocodile is lamented and buried like a kinsman; a mound is raised over his relics and a stone marks the place of his head. Again, the tiger is another of those dangerous beasts whom the savage prefers to leave alone, lest by killing one of the species he should excite the hostility of the rest.