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"But you do not see how an old, poverty-stricken and crippled maker of baskets can be of any use to you." McIver spoke as one measuring his words. "They tell me you help people who are in trouble." "Are you then in trouble?" asked the Interpreter, kindly. The other did not answer, and the man in the wheel chair continued, still kindly, "What trouble can the great and powerful McIver have?

And although a certain benevolent aunt had commiserated his poverty-stricken condition and had sent him an insignificant sum, nevertheless he asked me to help him to equip himself. I complied with his request, and for a period of two years thereafter I heard nothing about him. I must confess that I entertained strong doubts as to his having gone to the Caucasus.

Eventually we reached the level ground on the other side, and continued along the shore as far as Tyre, a town nowadays of poverty-stricken fishermen, with scarcely anything visible of the ancient city.

The ravages of disease among children were really the result of insufficient food in those poverty-stricken times. Although the mortgage on the farm was a mere bagatelle, the father lost the homestead, and became a hired man on fifty cents a day, on which amount he had to feed and clothe his family. This boy worked by day and studied by night.

Poor, poverty-stricken Wingfold! actually craving for things beneath Bascombe's notice! actually crying for something higher and brighter than the moon!

I know we were both very tired and a trifle cross when in the evening we reached Longarone, a small, poverty-stricken village, on the verge of that dolomite region which, in these latter days, has become so frequented by summer tourists. Tourists usually leave in their wake some of the advantages as well as the drawbacks of civilisation; and probably there is now a respectable hotel at Longarone.

"I hope we may become better acquainted." "Only I think, Mr. Crombie, he will owe you an apology now." "Why?" "For keeping your shoes out so late." "My shoes!" said the young man, in vehement surprise. "Why, yes. Didn't you know they came to him? The porter said so." Crombie grew red with the sense of his disgrace in having his poverty-stricken boots come to the knowledge of the banker.

These letters or essays, like so much of the work of Addison and Steele, appeared first in a periodical; but they were afterwards collected under the title, Citizen of the World . The interesting creation of these essays is Beau Tibbs, a poverty-stricken man, who derives pleasure from boasting of his frequent association with the nobility.

To see once the pictured likeness of her of whom I had no such memorial, would I not give years of my poverty-stricken life? And here was such a statue of her, as that of his wife which the widowed king was bending before, when he said: "What fine chisel Could ever yet cut breath?" This statue I might see, "looking like an angel," as the gardener had said.

And Aubrey Leigh, though he could thoroughly appreciate and enter into the sordid woes of hard-worked and poverty-stricken womankind, was not without the same delusion that seems to possess all his sex, namely, that if a woman is brilliantly endowed, and has sufficient of this world's goods to ensure her plenty of friends and pretty toilettes, she need never be unhappy.