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"I was going from here," he answered. "And you can look to me for making a pound a week, and you can have it all if you'll take nothing from any of my enemies. If you take money from my enemies, then I won't help you." "You're a man in your opinions seemingly, though I wish to God you hadn't grown out of childhood so quick, if you were going to grow to this.

Then he darts, and instantly you see a commotion in the water as he hauls up toward the surface a struggling twenty-five or thirty pound fish. The bone spear heads, when they have penetrated the salmon, come off from the spear, and the fish is held by the cord.

Reggie was a dashed millionaire, and no doubt bought bracelets by the pound or the gross or what not; but he himself was in an entirely different position. "Eight hundred and fifty dollars!" he said, hesitating. "Worth it," mumbled Reggie van Tuyl. "More than worth it," amended the jeweller. "I can assure you that it is better value than you could get anywhere on Fifth Avenue."

She replied, concealing her satisfaction, "that, if he liked her, he would not have refused to eat when she asked him." But our hero's appetite had returned with his change of purpose, and he instantly volunteered to give the required proof of affection. Accordingly two pound of steaks fell before him. Poor boy, he had hardly eaten a genuine meal for a week past.

Such a magnet could not raise a single pound weight of iron two inches, and therefore could not impart motion. The magnet acts like a rock, which while at rest presses with a weight of a thousand pounds upon a basis; it is like an inclosed lake, without an outlet and without a fall. But it may be said, we have, by mechanical arrangements, given it an outlet and a fall.

If I'm short by a pound or two, don't be afraid, sir. There's no pride about me; I'll go round with the hat, and get the balance in the neighborhood. Deuce take the pounds, shillings, and pence! I wish they could all three get rid of themselves, like the Bedouin brothers at the show. Don't you remember the Bedouin brothers, Mr. Brock?

Even if the creature had never been seen, I should, by mere reasoning from analogy, expect the sea to produce a serpent excelling the boa-constrictor, as the lobster excels a crayfish of our rivers: see how large things grow at sea! the salmon born in our rivers weighs in six months a quarter of a pound, or less; it goes out to sea, and comes back in one year weighing seven pounds.

The sea broke over us so much that two men were constantly baling; and we had no choice how to steer, being obliged to keep before the waves for fear of the boat filling. The allowance now regularly served to each person was one 25th of a pound of bread and a quarter of a pint of water, at eight in the morning, at noon, and at sunset.

"No, you're not goin' to stop my mouth with all your 'Luke, Lukes!" answered Mr. Marks to his wife's remonstrance. "I say again, what's a hundred pound?" "No," answered Robert Audley, with wonderful distinctness, and addressing his words to Luke Marks, but fixing his eyes upon Phoebe's anxious face.

What I came to say was that, unless you can offer me an immediate engagement " "Oh, I can and do. I beg of you to be my aunt from this moment." "Tibe to travel with me and have every comfort?" "Yes, yes, and luxury." "A pint of warm milk every morning, half a pound of best beef or chicken with vegetables at noon, two new-laid eggs at " "Certainly.