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Caille aux petits pois 2 10 Pigeon a la crapaudine 2 10 Chapon au riz, le quart 2 15 Chapon au gros sel, le quart 2 10 Demi-poulet aux Truffes ou aux Huitres 4 0 Fricassee de poulets garnie, la moitie 3 10 Fricassee de poulets, la moitie 3 0 Salade de volaille 3 0 Friteau de poulet, la moitie 3 0 Demi-poulet a la ravigotte ou a la tartare 3 0 Marinade de poulet, la moitie 3 0 Le quart d'un poulet a l'estragon ou a la creme ou aux laitues 1 10 Blanquette de poularde 2 10 1 cuisse de poulet aux petits pois 2 0 1 cuisse de volaille au jambon 2 0 2 cotelettes de poulet 3 0 1 cuisse ou aile de poulet en papillote 1 10 1 cuisse de poulet a la Provencale 1 10 Ragout mele de cretes et de rognons de coqs 3 0 Capilotade de volaille 3 0 Filet de poularde au supreme 3 0 Mayonaise de volaille 3 0 Cuisses de Dindon grillees, sauce robert 3 0 Le quart d'un Canard aux petits pois ou aux navets 1 10 Foie gras en caisses ou en matelote Perdrix aux choux, la moitie Salmi de perdreau au vin de Champagne Pigeons en compote ou aux petits pois 2 10 Bechamel de blanc de volaille 2 10 2 cuisses de poulet en hochepot 1 10 Ailerons de dinde aux navets 1 10 Blanc de volaille aux concombres 3 0

"We've just come in from Monthois, more than ten leagues at a stretch," he said when he came back, "and Poulet will be wanting his breakfast." Poulet was the horse. He declined to eat anything himself; would only accept a cup of coffee.

"Good sirs, a moment's patience, and you shall be waited on," cried my terrified aunt. "To Jericho with your patience! We wait for nobody. I decide for this poulet," said one, taking it up hot in his hands, and bawling because they were burnt; "dress two dozen more cook all you have in the poultry-yard, or we will cook you." "I claim my share of that poulet," says one.

Even Seppings, Aunt Dahlia's butler, a cold, unemotional man, had gasped and practically reeled when Tuppy waved aside those nonnettes de poulet Agnès Sorel, while the footman, standing by with the potatoes, had stared like one seeing a vision. I simply refused to consider the possibility of the significance of the thing having been lost on a nice girl like Angela.

He acknowledged the compliment with a slight inclination of his head. The waiter leant expectantly beside him. 'To descend from the metaphysical to the purely physical, he said, glancing in some perplexity at the terrific nomenclature of Monsieur Beauchamp's dishes, 'do you think we might take a chance on this Poulet reine aux primeurs; salade lorette?

At ten o'clock the 'maitre d'hotel' entered, and announced breakfast, saying, "The General is served." We went to breakfast, and the repast was exceedingly simple. He ate almost every morning some chicken, dressed with oil and onions. This dish was then, I believe, called 'poulet a la Provencale'; but our restaurateurs have since conferred upon it the more ambitious name of 'poulet a la Marengo.

"Forgive my dwelling so tensely on the bill-of-fare," he said, when the waiter had gone. "You don't know what it means to one in my condition to have to choose between poulet en casserole and kidneys a la maitre d'hotel. A man's cross-roads!" Jill smiled happily across the table at him.

The meal which that hotel restaurant served was as good as in peace times. Who deserves a good meal if not the officer who comes in from the front? And madame sees that he gets it. She is as proud of her poulet en casserole as any commander of a soixante-quinze battery of its practice. There was steam heat, too, in the hotel, which gave an American a homelike feeling.

Jeanne, much annoyed, decided to hire a room in a small neighboring hotel, begging the proprietor to go himself and take Poulet whatever he required as soon as the boy asked for it. They then took a walk on the pier to look at the ships coming and going.

But the chasseur pricked up his ears at hearing the whinnying of a horse and rose and went out to make sure that Poulet was not in want of anything. It was the hour sacred to coffee and pousse-cafe, and it was not long before the little hostelry was full to overflowing with officers and men of every arm of the service.