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I am compelled to see, what Ovide also has told me, that, like me and my wife, you have a passion for the poétique and the pittoresque!" "Yes," Chester laughed, "but that's my limit. I've never written a line for print " "This writing is done, since fifty years." "I've never passed literary judgment on a written page and don't suppose I ever shall." "The judgment is passed.

Some one in there was playing upon the piano Marcailhou's Indiana Waltz, which was all the rage at that time. Any man, born about the year 1845, who does not feel the tears of homesickness rise to his eyes as he turns over the pages of an old number of the 'Magasin Pittoresque', or who hears some one play upon an old piano Marcailhou's Indiana Waltz, is not endowed with much sensibility.

There is also a particular description of the quicksilver mine at Almaden, in La Mancha. Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de l'Espagne. Par La Borde. Paris, 4 vols. fol. Itinéraire Descriptif de l'Espagne. Par La Borde. Paris, 1809. 5 vols. 8vo. Lettres sur l'Espagne, ou Essais sur les Moeurs, les Usages, et la Litérature de ce Royaume. Par Beauharnois. Paris, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo.

Charles Knight, who projected the Penny Magazine of 1832, and sold it to the extent of about 180,000 copies weekly. It was also adopted by the Messrs. Chambers of Edinburgh, and the proprietors of the Magasin Pittoresque of Paris.

Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de l'Istrie et de la Dalmatie, rédigé d'après l'Itineraire de L.F. Cassas, peintre. Par J. Lavallée. Paris, 1802. fol. This splendid work, as its title indicates, principally relates to antiquities: there are, however, interspersed notices on manners, commerce, &c. Zara, celebrated for its marasquin, is particularly described.

«La ville de St. Maurice est ainsi renfermée par cette enceinte de rochers, dont les bancs épais, bien suivis, séparés par des cordons de verdure, et couronnés par des forêts, avec un hermitage niché entre ces bancs, présente une aspect singulier et pittoresque.

Krusenstern's Voyage round the World, 1803-6. 2 vols. 4to. Translated from the German. A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea, and Behring's Straits, in 1815-18. By Kotzebue. 3 vols. 8vo. 1821. Translated from the German, but badly. Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde. Par Choris. Livraison, 1-9. Paris, 1821.

Paris, 1788, 8vo.. The character of Dolomieu sufficiently points out the nature and value of this work. A Supplement was published the same year, under the title of Mémoire sur les Isles Ponces. Par Dolomieu. Paris. 8vo. Voyage Historique Littéraire et Pittoresque dans les Isles et Possessions ci-devant Venétiennes du Levant. Par A. Grasset-Saint-Sauveur, jun. Paris, 1800. 3 vols. 8vo.

After having assured the Institute that they consider the pittoresque part of the restoration of the Madonna di Foligno as pure as it was possible to be desired, the Commissioners proceed to call their attention to some discordance in the original design and colouring of this chef d'oeuvre, and to make on it some critical observations.

"After having given an account of the mechanical operations, employed with so much success in the first part of the restoration of the picture by RAPHAEL, it remains for us to speak of the second, the restoration of the painting, termed by the French artists restauration pittoresque. This part is no less interesting than the former.