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"F-farmers and merchants elected him," remarked Jethro, as though stating a fact. Worthington coughed. "It is probable that I made a mistake in going to Sutton," he admitted. "If I w-wanted to catch a pike, w-wouldn't use a pin-hook." "I might have known," remarked Worthington, after a pause, "that Sutton could not have been elected Speaker without your influence."

The bump was so hard that Bunny was knocked over against Sue. "Oh, Bunny, don't!" she exclaimed. "You hurt my arm!" "I I couldn't help it," Bunny said. "Was it a fish?" asked Sue, hopefully, "Did he pull you over?" Bunny shook his head. Nothing had taken hold of the pin-hook. Then he turned his head and looked around. "Oh, Sue!" he cried. "We've run ashore on an island.

"F-farmers and merchants elected him," remarked Jethro, as though stating a fact. Worthington coughed. "It is probable that I made a mistake in going to Sutton," he admitted. "If I w-wanted to catch a pike, w-wouldn't use a pin-hook." "I might have known," remarked Worthington, after a pause, "that Sutton could not have been elected Speaker without your influence."

Or one of the pale green willers that bent over my head as I sot on the low plank foot-bridge, with my bare feet a-swingin' off into the water as I fished for minnies with a pin-hook The summer sky overhead, and summer in my heart. Oh, happy summer days gone by gone by, fur back you lay in the past, and the June skies now have lost that old light and freshness.

"Perhaps you think," said the old man, "from the way I spoke, that I don't believe them fellers with the jinted poles can ketch fish, but that ain't so. That old story about the little boy with the pin-hook who ketched all the fish, while the gentleman with the modern improvements, who stood alongside of him, kep' throwin' out his beautiful flies and never got nothin', is a pure lie.

When I think I have described them, I remember quite a different aspect, and find it equally true, and yet lacking something to make it the whole or an adequate truth. J had gone with me part of the way, but stopped to fish with a pin-hook in Loch Achray, which bordered along our path.

"Oui, avec le plus grand plaisir, Monsieur," and she looked so happy, there was so much sun in her eyes, so many divine little dimples in her cheek, in contemplation of all the promised happiness, that it would not require much keenness to discover the secret of the dear little maiden. "Of course, you shall fish with a pin-hook.

"Just the chap I wanted to see, Sam," said Mr. Westlake heartily. "I'm trying to get up a pin-hook fishing contest, for three-inch sunfish." "Happy thought," returned Sam, laughing. "Count me in." "It's the governor's own idea, too," said Billy with vast enthusiasm. "Bully sport, it ought to be. Only trouble is, Princeman has some mysterious errand or other, and can't join us."

When I think I have described them, I remember quite a different aspect, and find it equally true, and yet lacking something to make it the whole or an adequate truth. J had gone with me part of the way, but stopped to fish with a pin-hook in Loch Achray, which bordered along our path.

"Oh, yes there are. Bunker Blue caught a lot one day. But he had worms for bait." However Sue did not mind fishing without any worms on the pin-hook, and she sat down on a log, near the water and let the line dangle in it, while Bunny walked about the island.