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Who is he?" "My stepfather's friend, but my enemy and yours," she cried quickly, placing her hand upon her heart as though to quell its throbbing. "Is he well known?" inquired the novelist. "No only in Pimlico. He lives in Vauxhall Bridge Road, and his practice lies within a radius of half a mile of Victoria Station." "And why is he my enemy?" "Oh, that I cannot tell."

"I am as happy and contented as I can be without my dear Lucrece and our dear children, but I hope it will not be long before we shall be able to live together without these separations." "December 17, 1824. I have everything very comfortable at my rooms. My two pupils, Mr. Agate and Mr. Field, are very tractable and very useful. I have everything 'in Pimlico, as mother would say.

He would not have idled those autumn days away so lazily, even though he so urgently required rest after that rapid travelling, had he but known that the person who occupied the next room to his that middle-aged commercial traveller an entirely inoffensive person who possessed a red beard, and who had given the name of Jules Dequanter, and his nationality as Belgian, native of Liège was none other than Gustav Heureux, the man who had been recalled from New York by the evasive doctor of Pimlico.

In some way, I know not how, I was conscious of the presence of an incommunicable mystery, and I kept silence, though tortured with curiosity, nor did I ever repeat my inquiry. About a fortnight later, my Mother began to go three times a week all the long way from Islington to Pimlico, in order to visit a certain practitioner, who undertook to apply a special treatment to her case.

And, d'ye hear, send Ragged-head with five pounds of potatoes for Major Macleaver's supper, and let him have what drink he wants; the fat widow gentlewoman from Pimlico has promised to quit his score.

"Why, that Count Ferruci has had to do with a crime committed some months ago in Pimlico. A man called Mark Vrain was murdered, as you may have seen in the papers, Doctor, and I believe Ferruci murdered him." "If I remember rightly," said Jorce with calmness, "the man in question was murdered shortly before midnight on Christmas Eve.

"Very much indeed," said Bessie. "Do you like this hotel?" "It is very comfortable," said Bessie. "Do you like stopping at hotels?" inquired Lady Pimlico after a pause. "I am very fond of traveling," Bessie answered, "and I suppose hotels are a necessary part of it. But they are not the part I am fondest of."

Link and Mrs. Clear, and arrange about the cypher. Then my father is to be discharged as cured to-morrow, and I'll let him go out if he pleases. Of course, I'll follow him; then I'll be able to see if he goes to Pimlico." "But, Diana, suppose he does go to the Silent House, and proves to be Wrent?" "He won't do that, my dear. My father is no more Wrent than you are.

If you have heard or seen anything since your return to Somersetshire of the woman in the black dress and the red shawl, I hope you will not forget, when you write, to let me know it. From Mrs. Oldershaw to Miss Gwilt. "Ladies' Toilet Repository, Diana Street, Pimlico, "Wednesday.

Weirmarsh, the hard-working practitioner so well known among the lower classes in Pimlico. Those who pass along the Vauxhall Bridge Road know well that house with its curtains yellow with smoke the one which stands back behind a small strip of smoke-begrimed garden. Over the gate is a red lamp, and upon the railings a brass plate with the name: "Mr. Weirmarsh, Surgeon."