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And so, Puff, slowly Pff! and any comfortable speech that is in you; or none, if you authentically have not any. Strangers of mark, who happened to be passing, were occasional guests; Ginckel the Dutch Ambassador, though foreign like Seckendorf, was well seen there; garrulous Pollnitz, who has wandered over all the world, had a standing invitation.

She knew nothing of the fluidity of the thing called Personality not a thing at all, but a state, a balance, a relation, a resultant of forces so delicately in equilibrium that a touch, and pff! the horror of Formlessness rushed over all. As she hesitated a new light appeared in the chamber.

"That was duck with sweet sauce..." mother answered softly. "Duck! Forgive me, sister, but... but here I've got heartburn! I am ill!" My uncle made a sour, tearful face, and went on: "It was the devil sent that governor! As though I wanted his visit! Pff!... heartburn!

Pshaw! sir, I am not the only man who lets his first thoughts upon cold steel end, like this chapter, in Pff pff pff! Everything in this world is of use, even a black thing crawling over the nape of one's neck! Grim unknown, I shall make of thee a simile! You would feel a something that grated on your nerves and cr'd-cr'd "all over you like," as the children say.

"There are so many questions of law," offered McLean with purposeful vagueness. "French wardship and trusteeship and all that. It would be advisable, I think, to wait." "Absurd," said the pasha easily. "You would want no doubts cast upon the legality of the marriage," McLean persisted thoughtfully, "and since mademoiselle is under age and the French law has certain restrictions " "Pff!

"At least three thousand..." my uncle answered in a tearful voice. "I would go, but where am I to get it? I haven't a farthing. Pff!... heartburn!" My uncle stopped to look dejectedly at the grey, overcast prospect from the window, and began pacing to and fro again.

I asked him how he liked the Japanese. "Pff!" he began, looking at me from under his huge round spectacles, as if he thought the subject too insignificant to waste his time upon. "The Japanese," he exploded, with an air of contempt, "no belong men. You see Japanese man dlunk, ol no dlunk, all same to me. He no can speak tluth, he no can be honest man. He buy something, nevel pay.

No one is free to leave the procession once he gets into it. Once a man is born he's done for. Let him veer one iota from that procession and soon there will come rumbling up to the curb a big black Maria and off he's whisked away from his fellows. Let him but get into the wrong house or take the wrong overcoat or chuck the wrong person under the chin Pff!

But I don't get scared of the dark pff! Who's going to hurt you? That's what I always say. I believe in figuring things out, don't you I read in a book once where " "But maybe you do Mrs. Lawrence an injustice. Maybe she isn't as afraid at night as you imagine." "She is, too." "Yet you say she let you spend the night at Miss Gresham's house when Mr.

I was sitting upstairs, simply bored to extinction. Sis has been a terrible drag on me recently really you'd have thought there had been a death in the family. Or something! It's been simply graveyardy! And now you come in like a darling angel and save me from the willywoggles. You're a dear, and " "But but I really came to see your sister." "Oh! pff!