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Updated: January 12, 2025

Medical science concedes them a hollow organ for keeping up the circulation. Yet Mrs. Van Ness' heartbreak over the death of her Chinese terrier, Wang, claims a first-page column in the morning edition; her heartburn a complication of midnight terrapin and the strain of her most recent rôle of corespondent obtains her a suite de luxe in a private sanitarium.

"Try again, Hyson, and you'll get her so twisted that I'll stand a good show of winning her." So Jenks braced up and tried again. "I say my heart has yearned " "Sody-water or magneeshy is good for heartburn," smiled the widow. "Ye gods!" gasped Jenks. "I didn't know she was so hard of hearing." "Oh, sail in and win her!" chuckled the little professor. "You're doing first rate." "Mrs.

A bad taste in the mouth is usually a sign of overeating. It comes from the decomposition following a too liberal food intake. If water has a bad taste in the morning or at any other time, it indicates overeating. It may be due to a filthy mouth or the use of alcohol. Heartburn is also due to overeating, and so is hiccough; both come from fermentation of food in the alimentary tract.

"Ain't you going to do it alone?" queried Nick Sammel, in wonder, not unmingled with a suspicion that Joe would not be as easy to handle as anticipated. "I I've got a a heartburn," came lamely from Sagger. "It come on me all at onct. If it wasn't fer that I'd do him up all alone." "You're a fraud, and you haven't any heart-burn!" cried Joe. "You're afraid, that's all.

Sandy was a "much married" post in the latter half of the 70's, the bachelors of the commissioned list being only three, all told, Blakely, and Duane of the Horse, and Doty of the Foot. With these was Heartburn, the contract doctor, and now Duane and the doctor were out in the mountains and Blakely on sick report, yet able to be about. Doty thought him able to come to mess.

The young and giddy-pated the chorus master has no use for. The sober, honest, industrious lady or gentleman, with a knowledge of music is very properly his ideal. What I admire about the chorus chiefly is its unity. The whole village dresses exactly alike. In wicked, worldly villages there is rivalry, leading to heartburn and jealously.

This bread however seldom agrees with weak stomachs, especially such as are liable to acidity and heartburn. One of the best kinds of bread for sickly people, is made of wheaten flour, the coarse or husky bran being taken out, but not finely dressed; otherwise it would be dry, and obstructing to the stomach.

Yet dyspeptic symptoms, more especially heartburn and flatulence, occur so frequently at this time that something should be said regarding their causation and treatment.

Serenely, serenely, you will drift to your grave, and never once know what it is to be consumed, harried, driven by a deep, inextinguishable, unassuageable craving to write a song. You 'll never know the heartburn, the unrest, the conscience-sickness, the self-abasement that I know when I 'm not writing one, nor the glorious anguish of exhilaration when I am.

"Well, that's very strange," said I, evading her, "so you tell me your heartburn leaves you, and that you get stout every year about the time of your pilgrimage?" "An' troth an' I do! hut! what am I sayin'? Indeed, sir, may be that's more than I can say, either, your Reverence: but for sartin'it is" "Do you mean that you do, or that you do not?" I inquired.

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