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These events were the occupation of Ceccano in the duchy of Rome by Aistulf and the appeal of the emperor to the pope that he should go to Pavia and attempt to persuade the Lombard king to give up Ravenna and the cities he had lately taken.

Dampier, knowing the want of discipline among the lawless crew, feared to take the ship through so narrow and dangerous a passage, and endeavoured to persuade Captain Cook to sail round Cape Horn, instead of attempting that of the straits.

"I do assure you," said-Williams, "that your captains and mariners do not their duty unless they enter with no great loss; but you must consider that no wars may be made without danger. What you mean to do, we beseech you to do with expedition, and persuade yourself that we will die valiant, honest-men.

"If you are obliged to turn out of the house, why not come to us? It would be so kind and sweet of you." Ida sighed a little wearily. "Oh, I don't suppose they will insist upon ejecting me," she said. "I think I can persuade them to leave me two or three rooms." Lady Bannerdale went home and dropped her bomb-shell in the presence of Lord Bannerdale and Edwin.

Wherefore it had need be attested twice and thrice. "And I will look upon." "And I will look upon it that I may remember." Not that God is forgetful, "He is ever mindful of his covenant." But such expressions are used to shew and persuade us that the whole heart and delight of God is in it. "That I may remember the everlasting covenant."

I said to myself. "That phenomenon is only terrible because I don't understand it; everything we don't understand is mysterious." I tried to persuade myself, but at the same time I did not leave off lashing the horse.

So next morning he bade them farewell, though the princess begged him to stay with all her might; and when she found that she could not persuade him she gave him as a remembrance a gold ring. This ring was still more useful than the box, because when one wished oneself at any place one was there directly, without even the trouble of flying to it through the air.

So please don't try to persuade me, it would be no good." For quite a while afterwards young Somers seemed to be comparatively depressed, a state of mind that in his case was rare indeed. At last, he studied the wintry landscape through the carriage window and said nothing.

"She has to take trouble not to see me. And what she's a-fussin' at is mighty interestin'. Hello!" "Hello!" returned Lin McLean, sourly. He had just looked into the kitchen. "Not dancin'?" the Southerner inquired. "Don't know how." "Had scyarlet fever and forgot your past life?" Len grinned. "Better persuade the schoolmarm to learn it. She's goin' to give me instruction." "Huh!" went Mr.

And so winter passed into spring, and still Claverhouse found no work more worthy of him than patrolling the country, arranging for his men's quarters, examining suspected persons, and endeavouring to persuade the Government to leave him not entirely penniless. More than once he sent word to Edinburgh that he believed something serious was afoot.