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What passed in the synagogue both before and after we came, I only learned later; for Mishka and I were posted on guard at the entrance of the square, while Pavloff went off to seek our horses and intercept the men who were following us. If he met them in time, they would make a détour round the town and wait for us to join them on the further side.

Gruff as ever, he yet spoke to me, treated me, almost as if I were a child who had to be heartened up, as well as taken care of. But I didn't resent it. I knew it was his way of showing affection; and it touched me keenly. We had learned to understand each other well, and no man ever had a stancher comrade than I had in Mishka Pavloff.

I had it made years ago by foreign workmen, and none save myself and the Pavloffs and you now know of its existence, so far. In public we must be strangers; after the formal audience I give you to-night I shall probably ignore you altogether. But as Gould, the American farming expert, you will be able to come and go, riding the estates with Pavloff or without him and yet rouse no suspicion.

She recovered herself almost instantly, and held out her hand to him with a gracious smile, saying in German: "Welcome to England, Herr Pavloff! I have heard much of you, and have much to thank you for." He bowed clumsily over the hand, with the deference due to a princess, and watched her as she passed out of the room, his rugged face strangely softened.

There is a famous fishery there now called the Davidson Banks, and the codfishing fleet has its headquarters on Popoff Island. Millions of codfish are caught here every year. These islands are also a favourite haunt of the sea otter, Belofsky, at the foot of Mt. Pavloff, is the centre of the trade."

There were horses for Anne, and her cousin, too. Pavloff, like his son, was a man who forgot nothing. Anne had already revived from the faintness that overcame her on the steps of the synagogue. I had heard her talking to Loris, as we came along; more than once she declared she was quite able to walk, but he only shook his head and strode on.

The Emperor of Korea was still in the hands of the reactionaries. His Prime Minister and favourite was Yi Yung-ik, the one-time coolie who had rescued the Queen, and was now the man at the right hand of the throne. After a time Russia repented of her generosity. She sought to regain control in Korea. She sent M. Pavloff, an astute and charming statesman, to Seoul, and a series of intrigues began.

"This Nicolai will be in attendance on you; he speaks German," my courteous guide informed me in French. "He will bring you all you need; you have only to give him orders. You will dine at the officers' mess, and after dinner his Highness will give you audience." "Does Monsieur Pavloff the land steward live in the castle?" I asked, thinking it wise to emphasize my assumed rôle.

Our own horses were already at the appointed place, together with Pavloff and the Duke's little band of "recruits;" sturdy young moujiks these, as I saw now by the gray light of dawn, cleaner and more intelligent-looking than most of their class. They were freshly horsed, for they had taken advantage of the confusion in the town to "commandeer" re-mounts, as they say in South Africa.

"I don't quite understand you, Colonel Grodwitz," I said quietly, looking at him very straight. "If you think I'm in the habit of gossiping with Mishka Pavloff or any other servant here, you're very much mistaken." "A thousand pardons, my dear fellow; I was merely joking," he assured me; but I guessed he had made one more attempt to "draw" me, the last.