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PARAMORE: Sure. Do them all. GLORIA: All right. You start from that side of the room and I'll start from this. MURIEL: Let's go! MURIEL is too weak with laughter to do more than cling desperately to BARNES, who, dancing with the ominous rigidity of an army officer, tramps without humor around the small space. ANTHONY is trying to hear RACHAEL'S whisper without attracting GLORIA's attention....

His name is FREDERICK E. PARAMORE. He was at Harvard with ANTHONY, where because of the initials of their surnames they were constantly placed next to each other in classes. A fragmentary acquaintance developed but since that time they have never met. Nevertheless, PARAMORE enters the room with a certain air of arriving for the evening. Tana is answering a question. Be back half-hour.

I understand he constantly gets mail addressed to Lieutenant Emile Tannenbaum. MAURY: I may be accusing him falsely. But, you haven't told me what you've been doing. PARAMORE: For one thing writing. MAURY: Fiction? PARAMORE: No. Non-fiction. MAURY: What's that? A sort of literature that's half fiction and half fact? PARAMORE: Oh, I've confined myself to fact.

M. Remy de Gourmont writes: 'Molière has never drawn a doctor more comically "the doctor" than Paramore, nor more characteristic figures of women than those in the same play, The Philanderer. The character-drawing is admirable." M. Hamon himself goes on, however, to suggest an important contrast between the characterization in Mr. Shaw and the characterization in Molière:

I'm all for the criminals give color to life. Trouble is if you started to punish ignorance you'd have to begin in the first families, then you could take up the moving picture people, and finally Congress and the clergy. Can't even keep up with the new poetry. PARAMORE: It's only when the settlement work has gone on for months that one realizes how bad things are.

Visited Paramore. All well." "Thank you!" said Holmes, folding up the paper and returning it to our visitor. "And now you must on no account lose another instant. We cannot spare time even to discuss what you have told me. You must get home instantly and act." "What shall I do?" "There is but one thing to do. It must be done at once.

Holmes moved the lamp, and we both bent over the sheet of paper, which showed by its ragged edge that it had indeed been torn from a book. It was headed, "March, 1869," and beneath were the following enigmatical notices: "4th. Hudson came. Same old platform. "7th. Set the pips on McCauley, Paramore, and John Swain, of St. Augustine. "9th. McCauley cleared. "10th. John Swain cleared. "12th.

MAURY: Sure! Country's been fed on sensationalism for more than two years. Everybody getting restless. Want to have some fun. PARAMORE: Then you don't believe any ideals are at stake? MAURY: Nothing of much importance. People want excitement every so often. Now I was talking to a man who'd been over there MAURY: Absolutely. Feel it my duty to warn you. That's not his real name.

"Here's a health to King Charles, Here's a health to King Charles, Bring the bowl that you boast " MAURY: Fill the cup, Frederick. You know everything's subordinated to nature's purposes with us, and her purpose with you is to make you a rip-roaring tippler. PARAMORE: If a fellow can drink like a gentleman MAURY: What is a gentleman, anyway? ANTHONY: A man who never has pins under his coat lapel.

When his disease is disproved, instead of seeing the escape of a human being who thought he was going to die of it, Paramore sees the downfall of a kind of flag or cause.