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We've got to find her!" Val insisted. Sam's thin shoulders shook and he slid backward as if to avoid the white boy's reach. "Ah ain' a-goin' in dere," he repeated stubbornly. "Effen yo'all wants to go in dere Looky, Mistuh Val, Ah tells yo'all de way an' yo'all goes." He brightened at this solution. "Yo'all kin take pappy's othah boat; it am downstream dere, behin' dem willows.

Mangan, peremptorily, "what I want to know is what sort is this young man that Pappy's bringing in on top of us? In God's name, why couldn't he be let go home to his own?" "'Young man' is it!" retorted Tishy; "he's nothing but a boy at school, and a cross boy too! Such beating of his pony as he had when he wouldn't jump for him!

"In your room, Pappy. I hate a place like this a-smellin' of liquor and inyuns and things, and men coming in and out," said Sybil, digging her elbow into her "Pappy's" ribs, and turning up her nose at the little tavern sitting-room. "Well, then, honey, we'll have it up there. Up there, landlord, if it won't be putting of you to too much trouble." "Oh, not at all, farmer; it's all one to me.

I had one sister her name was Clara and one brudder his name was Jack. Dey said my pappy's name was George. I doan know. "Mammy said when I was jes big 'nough to nuss an' wash leetle chulluns, I was sol' to Marse Hiram Cassedy an' dat man give me ter his darter, Miss Mary, to be her maid. De Cassedys sho' was good people.

Here little Molly, who had been attentively listening to the conversation, and, like the poor Desdemona, understood "a horror in the words," if not the words, opened her mouth and set up a howl that was immediately seconded by her brother. It became necessary to soothe and quiet these youngsters; and Reuben lifted them both to his knees. "Why, what's the matter with pappy's pets, then?

The highway was the same, but now the man's steps had grown cautious and uncertain and he was groping for the shoulder of the boy, as for a leaning-staff. Tom broke the eye-hold on the vision and sprang up to pace the narrow limits of the study. "It's up to me," he mused, "and I'd like to know what I've been thinking of all this time. Why, pappy's old! he was forty before I was born.

"Looks like as if he hadn't got any bigger in more'n twenty years," he soliloquized. Then he said to the boy in an eager whisper, for his voice was dry and husky, "What's yer pappy's name, lad?" "He's Sanford Browne, too. That's him a-talking to Captain Jackson at t'other end of the ship.

"Doan know why I was not called Jim Sandell, but mammy said my pappy was named Henry Cornelius an' I reckin I was give my pappy's name. "When I was a young man de white folks' Baptist Church was called Salem an' it was on de hill whar de graveyard now is. It burnt down an' den dey brung it to town, an' as I was goin' to tell yer I went possum huntin' in dat graveyard one night.

Up to now there hasn't been a force in all Gawd's world that could 've come 'tween me an' the things you're teachin'. I didn't care about Potter. He was in the way. I've got no sorrows about anythin' since that day I drew sights on yoh Pappy's head, an' now.

It was moonlight when the stranger returned, and handed the packages to Idy at the kitchen door. "Pappy's asleep," she whispered, in answer to his inquiries; "he seems to be restin' easy." "Is there no one about the place but yourself and mother, Miss Starkweather?" Idy shook her head. "Well, then, if you don't mind, I think I will put my horse in the barn, and sleep in the shed here, on the hay.