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'I think, said the Babu heavily, lighting a cigarette, 'I am of opeenion that it is most extraordinary and effeecient performance. Except that you had told me I should have opined that that that you were pulling my legs. How soon can he become approximately effeecient chain-man? Because then I shall indent for him. 'That is what he must learn at Lucknow. 'Then order him to be jolly-dam'-quick.

My eyes rested particularly upon Ferguson's scorbutic features, Saxon's hard aquiline profile, the German's burly face, and the peaky thoughtful countenance of the Lord of Wark. 'If naebody else will gie an opeenion, cried the fanatical Doctor, 'I'll een speak mysel' as led by the inward voice.

She leaned forward with glistening eyes. "I ha'e aye said it. I ha'e aye said it. Gie me the letter, Ellen." But Ellen only turned composedly and resumed her interpretation of the letter to Hester, who sat looking with dazed expression from one aunt to the other. "It all comes about from Peter's bein' a stubborn man, an' he'll no change the opeenion he's held for three years wi'oot a struggle.

Bowie was the wright, and attended burials in his official capacity. He had the gift of words to an uncommon degree, and I do not forget his crushing blow at the reputation of the poet Burns, as delivered under the auspices of the Thrums Literary Society. "I am of opeenion," said Bowie, "that the works of Burns is of an immoral tendency. I have not read them myself, but such is my opeenion."

He was now, to a great extent, sailing-master as well as captain of the Revenge; but Ben Greenway, who was much given to that sort of thing, undertook to offer Bonnet some advice in regard to his course. "I am no sailor," said he, "but I ken a chart when I see it, an' it is my opeenion that there is no need o' your sailin' so far to the east before ye turn about southward.

"What's your opeenion of it, Mr. Malone?" I had to confess my total and humiliating ignorance of the subject at issue. What, for example, were Fraunhofer's lines?

"We should arrive at the Ukon to-morrow, if my calculations are right or nixt day, whatever," said MacSweenie to his interpreter and steersman, as he sat smoking his pipe beside him. "Bartong is of the same opeenion," returned Mowat, "so between you we should come right. But Bartong is not quite sure about it himself, I think. At least he won't say much."

Yet how could he claim to be Peter it it's not like the boy. Richard never, never would " "He may ha' been oot o' his heid thinkin' he pushed him over the brink. I ha'e na much opeenion o' the judgment o' a man ony way. They never know whan to be set, an' whan to gie in. Think shame to yersel', Jean, to be hidin' things fra me the like o' that an' then lyin' to me." "He was repentit, Ellen.

Nevertheless, it is my opeenion that we've had treebulation enough in Rud Ruver since we came oot, an' I would be ferry gled of a luttle prosperity now if only by way of a pleesant change."

Moreover, it's my opeenion that if ye hadna been starvin' ye wadna have been here 'e noo, for ye're uncommon teuch. Rin, lassie, an' fetch some breed an' cheese. Whar's Marion an' Is'b'l?" "They went out to seek for Peter," said Jean, as she hastened to obey her uncle's mandate.